Chapter 13

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(Charlotte’s POV)

When I woke up, I couldn’t help the smile that forced its way onto my lips as a felt two arms wrapped firmly around my waist. Not wanting to wake Niall, I slowly shifted my body until I was looking right as his beautiful face. I just laid there staring at him, trying to resist the urge to wake him up. He was so adorable when he slept. His hair was all messed up but in a sexy way, his lips were pursed into a slight smile, and his nose was all scrunched up. I couldn’t help myself any longer as I pressed my lips to his for a couple of seconds before pulling back and continuing to look at him. His eyes started to flutter and as soon as they were open, a huge grin spread across his lips.

“I quite enjoy waling up that way.” He stated as he leaned in for another kiss, but before he had the chance, I quickly jumped up and out of his reach.

“No more kisses until you get up and make me breakfast!” He pouted slightly at my refusal to kiss him. Sighing, he pulled himself out from underneath the covers. I couldn’t help but stare at him as he tried to stretch off sleep in just his boxers.

“You like what you see?” He chuckled at me and my face blushed red as I realized that he had just caught me staring at him.

“What? Can’t I marvel over my boyfriend’s amazing body?” I slowly made my way toward him as he just stood there with a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

“I never said I didn’t like it.” He snaked his arms around my waist and firmly placed his lips against mine. I slowly melted into the kiss until I realized what I had said earlier. I abruptly pulled back and couldn’t help but crack up at the face he pulled. He looked like a little lost puppy. It was so cute!

“What was that for?” He asked pouting.

“You were supposed to make breakfast for me before you got anymore kisses.”

“Well now that that little plan didn’t work out, come here and kiss me already.” He reached out to grab my waist but I was too quick for him.

“Nope! Go now or no more kisses at all for the rest of the day.” With that, he proceeded to bolt out of the room and within 2 minutes, I could hear pots and pans banging around in the kitchen. As I waited for Niall to finish breakfast, I decided to take a quick shower and get ready for the day.

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, the most amazing smell slammed into me and I rushed out into the kitchen to see Niall setting out the plates with our breakfast on it. He had made scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and coffee. I also noticed that there were only two plates set at the table.

“Hey there beautiful. I hope you’re hungry.” Niall came and wrapped me in a hug, but before he could kiss me, I ducked from underneath his arms and made a dash for the table.

“I’m starving!” He just chuckled as he came over to the table and sat across from me. I didn’t hesitate to start shoveling the food into my mouth.

“Well I see Niall has some competition in the food area.” Zayn stated as he and the rest of the boys came shuffling sleepily into the kitchen.

“Thanks for making us food, Niall.” Harry stated sarcastically as he searched through the cupboards to find something suitable to eat for breakfast. He settled on a strawberry pop tart.

“Sorry, I was rushing to get this done and we only had enough to make food for two people.” The rest of the boys just rolled their eyes as they, too, grabbed a pop tart and settled down on the couch watching TV.

“So what are we going to do today?’ Niall asked taking ahold of my hand on top of the table.

“I don’t care. Where ever you want to go is fine with me. I would honestly be ok with staying here all day, as long as you were by my side the entire time.” Dawww! Can he be any sweeter?

“Well, there is this really awesome private beach about an hour away from here that I used to always go to as a kid. I haven’t been there in ages and it might be fun to just hang out there.” I had been wanting to go back to that beach for a while now but I was more excited about getting to spend the entire day with Niall just messing around and having fun.

“Sounds great! Just let me go throw on some swim trunks on and pack us a lunch and we’ll get going!”

“Ok but one thing.” Niall stopped in his tracks and turned around with a curious look on his face.

“What?” I don’t know what he thought I was going to say but his face showed that he was worried.

“Gosh calm down, Nialler! I was just going to say that we need to go into town before we go to the beach because I don’t have a bathing suit! What did you think I was going to say?”

“Oh ok. I don’t know…” He blushed and I was the most adorable thing ever!

“Hurry up and go change! I’ll start packing the lunch.” He rushed over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before heading up the stairs to get changed. I just laughed as I started going through the cabinets looking for the ingredients to make me and Niall something suitable to eat for lunch.

About 5 minutes later, Niall came skipping down the stairs, swim trunks and tank top on, phone in hand. He looked surprised to see me sitting on the couch, cooler next to me and ready to go.

“Wow! That was fast.” He came over and grabbed my hands, pulling me up off the couch. He grabbed ahold of the cooler with one hand and grasped my hand in his other. He started walking towards the door and I suddenly realized something.

“Wait a second.” I stopped abruptly, making him come to a halt too. “Don’t you need a disguise fi we’re going to be out in public?”

“Oh yeah! I totally forgot! Thanks love.” He pecked my lips and rushed back up the  stairs, only to return moments later with a snapback over his signature blonde hair and a pair of sunglasses shielding his gorgeous green eyes from view.

“Let’s go!” He grabbed my hand and with that we were out the door.

We spent the entire ride into town screaming the lyrics to the songs on the radio at the top of our lungs and getting strange looks from the people who would pass us but I didn’t care. I was having so much fun just goofing around and being silly with Niall.

I directed Niall to my favorite store that sold some of the cutest bikinis I had ever seen. I stepped out of the car and grabbed Niall’s hand, leading him into the store. He just kind of awkwardly stood behind me as I picked up a couple of bikinis that I really liked.

“Ok. I’m going to go try these on but I’m going to need your opinion on which one I should get.”

I could see him swallow down a nervous lump in his throat. Oh this is going to be fun…



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                                                     <3 Bailey

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