Chapter 22

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(Charlotte's POV)

The last two days have been absolute heaven! Niall and I have just been spending every moment possible with each other. We've gone shopping, sight seeing, and when we're not out in the city doing something, we're either being lazy by the pool or being lazy in our room. You'd think it would get boring, just two people in a hotel, but it was seriously the most fun I'd had in a while.

"But Niall! I don't wanna go home uet!!!" I complained as Niall started shoving our things into our bags. He had decided that we probably should spend sometime with everyone else before they had to go again. Gosh I was dreading them leaving again.

"But we have to go home, Char. I don't wanna I either, but the guys said that if we don't come home today, they'll come and bring us back themselves." He walked over and sat next to me on the bed, trying to talk me into trying to help him pack our stuff.

"Fine. But when we get back, you're staying at my apartment with me, and the guys have to stay at the hotel."

"I'm perfectly fine with that." He said, winking ad he leaned in to place a loving kiss on lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Not wanting to let go and face the fact that we had to leave, I deepened the kiss, attempting to distract Niall. My plan seemed to be working as he slowly leaned back so he was laying on the bed, pulling me down so I was laying on top of him. Suddenly, he pulled away and sat up quickly, brining me with him. "I know what you're trying to do," he panted, trying to catch hi breath. "But it's not gonna work. Come on. Let's finish packing and then I'll take you to go get something to eat." Groaning, I let Niall pull me up off the bed. I went over to my bag and shoved all of my stuff into my bag.

"Ok! Lets go get some food!" Niall chuckled as I ran to the door and swung it open, waiting for him to catch up with me. He grabbed my hand and we made our way out of the hotel and down the street.

"You look beautiful today, babe." Niall stated as we got a few feet from the hotel.

"Are you saying I'm ugly every other day?" I stated, raising my eyebrows at him.

"No no no! I was just say-" I cut him off by placing my lips firmly against his.

"I was kidding, babe. You are so gullible!" His cheeks turned bright red as I continued to pull him down the street. "So where are we going to eat?"

"Oh you'll see soon enough." He smirked as we continued to walk. He lead me into a really nice park and as soon a we turned a corner, I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto me lips. There ,in front of me, was a blanket spread out underneath the shad of a very large tree. On the blanket was a picnic basket and Niall's guitar.

"How did you do this?" I asked in amazement.

"I texted Harry and had him an the others come set it up while we were on our way here. Do you like it?" He asked curiously.

"No," the look on his face would have killed me if I wasn't only joking. "I love it!" I stated as I placed a gentle kiss to his lips. I could feel him smiling into the kiss. I pulled away and was immediately pulled back into his right embrace.

"You had me scared shitless you loser!" He laughed as he ruffled my hair.

"Hey! Don't call your girlfriend a loser!" I stated, smoothing down my hair.

"Oh but you know I love you!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"Just come on. I'm hungry." I grabbed ahold of his hand and drug him over to the blanket, plopping down on my butt. He chuckled to himself as he opened up the basket and pulled out turkey sandwiches, juice pouches, and Cheetos. I couldn't help but smile at his choices for lunch. We both started eating our food. Before I could even finish my sandwich, Niall was already completely done with his and his juice box.

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