Chapter 5

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As I walk into charlottes room, I realize that she had fallen asleep waiting for us to return. I go over to her bed and just sit there, stating at her. I am aware that the other lads are all staring at me but I don't really care at this point. She is so beautiful. I don't understand how I have such strong feelings for someone I’ve never even said a word to. I just feel something deep in my gut very time I look at her and when she said my name earlier, I felt something weird going on inside me
"Hey Niall"
I don't realize she's awake until she says my name, and again, I get the same feeling deep down in my gut. She's staring so deep and lovingly into my eyes. I just have the urge to lean down and kiss... WHAT! Why am I thinking like this? I dot even properly know this girl and I was about to kiss her. I really need some sleep. I guess the guys realized something was off about me because they start talking  to Charlotte and they're telling her that they're going to take me an get me something to eat then let me sleep.
I look down at her to tell her goodbye. She's still looking at me with the same loving expression and she's smiling up at me. I, again, have the urge to kiss her, so before I do anything stupid, I just stand up and walk out of the room without saying a single word to anyone. As soon as I get into the hallway, I lean up against the wall and slowly sink to the ground with my head in my hands. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’ve never even talked to Charlotte and I already fell like I’m falling for her and it’s too late to stop.


Ik it took forever for me to upload this and I'm sooooo sorry!!! I have been so busy lately that i havent had any time to write. This chapter is really short and the ones to come are too. To make up for being such an awful person, I'm uploading again tonight and tomorrow afternoon/night. I'm also not going to be able to upload at all next week because I'm going on a missin trip and I won't have any wifi. But I think i found a cowriter for this story so that could help with the whole infrequent uplaods. Again I'm so sorry and I love you all!!

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