Chapter 3

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*Still Niall's POV*

"Can we see her yet? Please tell me we can see her!" I was desperate to find out if she was ok.

"See who Sir?"

"Charlotte Thompson." I am on the verge of vomiting as the receptionist casually types in the name I had just given her.

“Looks like she was just cleared for visitors, but first the doctor wants to inform you on her condition. Are her parents here?”
We all look at each other for an answer “No. We were just about to call them.” Thank God for Liam.

“Okay.” We all follow the nurse down the hall into a room that was barely big enough to hold two people, let alone us five lads, plus Paul and the doctor.

“I would just like to inform you that she is in stable condition. She did, though, suffer a severe concussion from the blow to her head when she hit the ground. She should wake up before tomorrow but we don’t know for sure. There is also a chance she could have some memory loss. If there is any it shouldn’t be too bad, but we’ll just have to wait and see until she wakes up.” Without another word, the doctor just up and left.

“How are we going to be able to tell if she has any memory loss when we know nothing about her?” Harry’s question seems to snap me out of my trance. I am so wrapped in my own thoughts that I forgot that the other lads are in the room with me.

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see when she wakes up.” I really hope I sound more confident than I feel. I don’t know why but I’m just so worried that something will be wrong with her and it all will be my fault.

I walk to the nurse, the lads following me, and ask her what room Charlotte is in.

“And what relation are you to the patient? Only family is allowed back at this point.”

“I’m her brother.” Wow Niall. Where did that come from? The lads are all looking at me with dumbfounded expressions.  “And what about them?” she asks motioning behind me.

“They’re her cousins.”

“Okay, she’s in room 412.”

We all mutter thank you and make our way down the hallway the nurse pointed out, not daring to say a word until we are completely out of earshot of the nurse.

“What the heck Niall?! What happens if her family shows up? The nurse will be furious.” The first time I’ve heard Zayn talk since the accident and he sounds absolutely pissed.

“I really don’t care, Zayn! I’m the reason she’s in here and in the first place! I want to know if she’s ok or not!” The lads freeze in their tracks at my little outburst. I usually never yell or get angry so this just took them by surprise.

“I’m sorry gu-“

“Don’t apologize, Niall. We understand this has put you under a lot of stress.” I can always count on Liam to make me feel better in these kinds of situations.

“Thanks, Li.”

“No problem, Nialler.” Liam throws his arm over my shoulder and starts leading us back down the hallway again.

We finally reach the door to Charlotte’s room and we all just stand there, hesitant to go in.

“I guess it’s now or never.” I reach out and turn the handle to the door. I slowly walk into the room and stare at the frail body lying in the hospital bed in front of me. I walk over beside her and sit down. Without thinking, I grab her hand and squeeze it and to my surprise, she squeezed it back.

“Guys, she just squeezed my hand!”

“Whoa! Calm down there buddy. The doctor said she would probably wake up tonight.” Wow. Thanks guys. The first time I’ve actually been happy in the last 3 hours and you just make me feel stupid. I just go back to staring at Charlotte’s face and notice her eyelids starting to flutter. I hold my breath until she finally opens her gorgeous teal eyes.

“Niall, where am I?”

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