Chapter 11

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(Niall's POV)

The lads and I just sat around for a little while until we all got up and went our separate ways within the house. I decide that I am going to put my newly found information to use and take Charlotte out on a date and actually get to know her. I walk into my room and find her sitting on the bed with her back to me. I just stand there and watch her as she plays around on her phone. I could have stood there and stared at her all day but of course I had to sneeze and end up ruining the moment. She  spins around instantly with a look of pure terror on her face, but as soon as she realizes its me, her face softens and she gives me one of her breathtaking smiles as she gets up and starts walking towards me.

"So what are we going to do today?" the closer she gets to me, the quicker my heart starts to beat. No other girl has ever made me feel this way before. The way she's walking towards me with that smile of pure love plastered on to her face makes my palms start to sweat.

"Uhh...I..I was thinking maybe we could go out somewhere." I finally reply as she snakes her arms around my waist and i grasp mine around her shoulders.

"That sounds perfect. Where were you thinking?" She lays her head on my chest as she waits for me to reply. I would honestly be fine with staying right here like this for hours.

"I was thinking maybe we could go get something to eat and then we could just do whatever after that." I would do anything in the world as long as I was with her.

"I don't care where we go as long as im with you." I can't help myself anymore as I slowly lean forward and press my lips to hers. We stand there kissing for who knows how long until Harry, being the mood killer he is, comes slamming through my door without even knocking first, running right into us.

"Oh...uh...sorry you guys..umm Niall, I just wanted to let you know that Simon just called and said that we're totally free for the rest of the week and we can do anything we want as long as we stay within contact of him. Uhm...I'll leave you two to whatever you were doing. Bye."

"Well that was awkward." Charlotte breaks that awkwardness by returning her arms around my waist and placing her head back in my chest. "So if we're going to go somewhere I need to go get ready." and with a final peck on my cheek, she lets go of my waist and saunters off into the bathroom, turning around and flashing me one of those knee buckling smiles before shutting the door. I stand there until I hear the shower start then I realize that I should probably take a shower too. I walk out of my room in search of Liam. When I come to his door, it's open so I walk right in.

"Hey Nialler. What brings you here?"

"Well I was wondering if I could use your shower really quick."

"Sure but why don't you use your own shower?"

"Charlotte's in there."

"Oh. Ok. So have you figured out what you're going to do about the whole Charlotte situation?" Liam always asks the questions that no one else bothers asking, but that I don't want to answer either.

"Well I'm taking her on a date tonight."

"Do you think that's such a good idea? I mean you don't even know her that we'll, Niall."

"That's exactly why I want to take we on a date. I really like her , Liam. More than I've ever liked a girl before. I don't understand it, but every time I'm around her, my heart races and my palms sweat. She makes my stomach do these weird little flips that I've never experienced before and when she's around, I feel like I'm some idiot that doesn't know how to talk. I don't know what it is but I think I've fallen for her, Liam, and it scares me." I release all of my built up emotions that I didn't know I had. I sit on the edge of his bed and run my hands over my face repeatedly.

"Hey, calm down. I know exactly how you feel. The exact same thing happened to me when I met Danielle. You just need to let your walls down and surrender to your emotions. Everything will turn out fine because it's obvious Charlotte likes you. Trust me Niall, you'll be fine. Just go on your date and have fun and everything will turn out amazing."

"Thanks, Li, I know I can always count on you when I new to talk to some one." Liam did help me with my feelings towards Charlotte. I just hope he knew what he was talking about when he said that everything would turn out fine.

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