Chapter 20: To All Lengths

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The Long Colony

Wufei didn't say anything as he took the few items he had and packed them up. He was being asked to leave.

Mei-Lin had witnessed her colony's demise. Her mind had not been trained to accept and understand all possibilities. Her colony had been her home, and it was now terminated. Nothing was left but scrap metal that may have escaped the carnage. Certainly nothing alive, and no one of the Zhang Colony.

Mei-Lin was the last of it, but the Long Colony had not been very good friends of the Zhang. Although Wufei no longer had to worry about any nonsense of fatherhood, he could not abandon her to whatever life wanted to throw her way. She was weak and she had nothing. Even she knew that, and unlike some women, seemed to accept it as an inevitability. She alone could not bring justice to her colony.

Unfortunately, that did not mean one simple life on the Long Colony. Wufei asked politely, with the most sincerity that he could, to let her stay. His choices had been given to him. Unless he planned on marrying her, (why would he ever without reason?) then she was not welcome.

He tried to work out something with Quatre since he was leaving to Earth with Catalonia.

After all, Trowa would not be so easy to get on the phone. He had gotten the spy with his unborn only yesterday. Everyone should be on guard, not even answering phones.

Even Quatre shouldn't have answered it, but he did. Wufei reminded Quatre that he knew Heero, and he could possibly be working with him. He shouldn't trust anyone. Then he insisted Quatre could trust him right now.

Wufei got help from Quatre, and then reminded him once again that he shouldn't trust anyone else. Quatre complained it was confusing, but that's why Wufei chose Quatre in the first place. He was of the weaker, kinder kind of heart that would be the one to mess up if something did happen.

They should not let their guard down. For anything.


Duo and Hilde's Colony

Hilde stuck her head out the side of the truck. "It feels so good to be back home."

Yep, they were lucky. Hilde not pregnant. Never taken. Safe and sound, and finally home. Duo pushed his shades up as he parked. "Oh, Junkyard, my Junkyard. How I missed ya." He got out along with her. Back to how things should be. "Alright, Hilde, listen up. We are still not out of the woods."

"You aren't going to start babying me, Duo?" Hilde warned him. "I'm a big girl, and I won't be getting any special surgeries anytime soon. I'm fine now."

"Gee? Pardon me Miss Perfect," Duo complained. "I'm only trying to be a friend that cares for the sake of your health."

"Oh. Sorry, Duo," Hilde apologized. "It's just that? I don't want to be stuck in that kind of position again. I am going to be just as careful as you are going to be. No late night frolicking, new friends, or anywhere that's not my regular. I'll even drag you shopping with me when I go if you want."

Good. She was taking it seriously. Duo knew that he had been lucky, along with Wufei. However, Wufei's luck had backfired for the woman he took care of, so just assuming everything would be okay wouldn't work. As long as I stay next to her, they won't risk doing nothing. Not like they can blow up this colony without blowing me up. Then where's the satisfying revenge? Nah, they wouldn't.

They wanted to hurt him and make him suffer. Not just kill him off quick. He even went inside the junkyard door at the same time almost. They both thoroughly inspected the place. Everything was absolutely fine, but Duo wouldn't let down his guard. Like it or not, he'd be her shadow for as long as it took to nab RTL. Even if he had to spy on her secretly to do it.

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