31 Deathscythe In the Eyes

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Quatre left a long distance away before he called. He bought a phone at a random store and started a new number. It always delayed him some time before a call would go through. Afterward he would leave it behind on the street and head away from the area right away. He didn't take much risk, he didn't want anyone trying to track him if Duo was exposed.

He called Duo's number. No one answered at first. He had no choice but to wait and try again. This time, he got an answer. Duo wouldn't announce himself, he had to start. "Duo."

"Quatre. What is it?"

"I just wanted to know if you were doing okay?" Quatre started.

"Yeah, I figured. You are the one who cares. Thanks for caring. I haven't found Hilde yet, but I am getting closer. I've also got an x-ray of myself, I'm clean. They don't need to have me just to let me know things. They'll know I'll find her. They just want to control when I find her, so I gotta figure things out faster than they think I will. Has Trowa gotten a hold of his mom? If he can, I need to know about any defunct former prisons or containment centers RTL had. I think that's where Hilde is."

"Trowa hasn't found his mom at all. She really distanced herself from everyone. I'll let him know about that though." It would be a good place to keep Hilde. An old place they once used.

"Yeah, I figured. I'm going to get there before they want me to be there." Ominous.

"Duo. I know the justice they are taking are wrong, but these people are still just mistaken," Quatre tried again. "Please don't go overboard. They are just seeking justice in the wrong way."

"Talk to Duo Maxwell from a month ago. I've been in places and gotten a hold of too many horror stories. Even women that used to be a part of it. Mistaken in their pursuit? Great, then you probably shouldn't be chopping off fingers or shooting people in your warnings. That's not mistaken, that's orders, that's soldiers, and that's an enemy. My enemy. I don't care whether they are women, mothers, sisters, if they have the gall to hurt someone, then they risk getting hurt themselves, and lord help the ones that hurt Hilde, because there's nothing that's going to save them from the God of Death!"

He hung up. Quatre looked back at the phone. Duo was losing hope. Quatre ditched the phone and started to return back. While he did, he called Trowa to let him know about Duo.

"Sounds like he's picked up more than a few things about RTL," Trowa said to Quatre. "Did he give you anything more?"

"He was breaking down. He didn't say anything else," Quatre said, "just that your mother might be able to help. Has she made any contact at all?"

"No," Trowa told him. "No one has seen Crystalia Bloom, her whereabouts are still unknown.

"Yeah, I thought so. If you hear anything, we need to let Duo know. He thinks RTL is keeping Hilde in a really old hideout of theirs that wouldn't be used anymore. Somewhere your mom might know, but wouldn't broadly be on her tablet." Darn. "I hate the fact that RTL corrupted Duo. We went years not killing or hurting anyone."

"Duo is doing what he has to, to save the person he most cares about. We all know that feeling. He is living the best he can, how he can, with the choices presented to him. No one is perfect, especially us. I'll ask Cathy if she has seen anything and I'll let you know. She usually doesn't want to contact me for anything. She's extra protective, always has been."

Yeah, that was true. "Thanks, Trowa."

"How is Dorothy Catalonia so far?" he asked.

"She's doing great. She's healthier than she was a month ago. She has a cold right now, and she does get some light nausea, but it comes and goes. It's mostly pregnancy related," he said. "It's okay. We are doing okay. She'll be fine. Everyone will see that she will be fine. Wufei says she's fine."

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