You Don't Know What It Can Do!

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Tallgeese's Hangar

“What in the actual hell?” It was there, the Tallgeese. In it’s hangar, like it had never been blown up. There wasn’t even a scratch on it. It also wasn’t like he last saw it, it looked like the one from Earth before it was remodeled again. “Noin, do you hear me?” Why would she be trapped in the Tallgeese? “Noin!” All the different things RTL had done so far to Relena and the other gundam pilots started to invade his mind. It couldn’t be.

That group was dismantled. Not once did they try anything on anyone near him! After all, sure he was a gundam pilot, but even the other pilots weren’t exactly friends. He even fought against them.

Why, why now? “Noin!” He used a lift to reach the chest compartment. “Noin, can you hear me?” He opened the door on the Tallgeese.

Nothing. No one was in it. He tried to call her back, but got no answer. Why was the Tallgeese there, and why was Noin not inside of it? He went down to the program that ran Tallgeese. This place was old, but that system should still work. In fact, the parts were replaced with all new parts. Someone replace the entire Tallgeese system.

He went into the program and looked around. He saw a certain section that was attached to some kind of camera feed. In fact, as he opened it up bigger?

He could see Noin, in a mobile suit. Not in any kind of gear, just an everyday outfit she was wearing. The pairing of that seemed to hit him harder. “Noin?”

She couldn’t seem to hear him.

Hm. Zechs looked around the program. It definitely had some unique things. There were some things connected almost like mobile dolls, but no. That’s not mobile dolls. What is that? He pulled it up and actually saw a diagram of the Tallgeese. He clicked on its right arm.

“Whoa!” He heard Noin’s voice from the camera. “Whoah, whoah, what was that?”

I am somehow controlling her mobile suit. It was somewhat like mobile dolls, except it wasn’t a fleet. It was actual interaction. If she is connected, there has to be a way to connect with her. He went back to the main area of the unit. He turned the camera and audio on.

“Zechs, there you are!” She was delighted to see him. “Did you find me somehow?”

“I found a suit that is connected with yours,” Zechs said to her. “I have full control over you. I even have access to your self-destruct sequence.”

“Well, I won’t be doing that anytime soon,” she promised. “What’s going on? Is this that Revenge of the Lost thing?”

“I don’t know yet. Maybe. They were supposed to have some access to one of the creator’s research. They did manage to rebuild the gundam Deathscythe.” Hmm. Duo Maxwell told the others that his friend, Hilde Schbeiker, was terrified. Influenced by the zero system.

Zero system. He moved around in the program, to see what kind of system was in the Tallgeese.

He took a step backward. “Noin, are you okay?” he asked her. “Noin!”

“Yeah, Zechs, I’m fine.”

“Just. Stay. Relaxed.” There was a zero system in the Tallgeese, but that wasn’t all. It was labeled zero system, but the whole schematics were different. Targeting different sections of the brain with the stimulus, similar to what he felt in the Epyon. But. “Stay still.”

They were also bouncing around as he tried to fix the dials. Like someone was playing with him. He banged his fist near the keyboard. He reset everything again.

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