40 Prisoner With a Side of Games and Snacks

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Duo and Hilde's Junkyard Home In the Colonies

Hilde didn't understand it at all. Cuffed, and taken home? Not to any temporary residence. Home, home. Why? She was brought out of the car and headed inside. The familiar look of how everything was when they last left. "Home."

She had new guards that had switched off on her twice. One pair when she went to the colonies, and one pair when she came home. "What am I doing here?" They didn't stay inside the house section for long.

They were taking her somewhere that they hadn't dealt with for basically years. It was used more for storage of extra junk parts, with just a little room, just in case the worst thing happened and- "What?"

No way. It couldn't be. Duo blew his Deathscythe up so long ago. "RTL can't have Deathscythe, he watched it get blown up himself. This isn't possible."

"It's not the one he blew up," one of the guards explained as she was escorted up with much more pressure, like they expected her to buck. "Gundam Deathscythe isn't an object, it's a blueprint. This one is different in another way."

Another way? "I don't get it. It's a mobile suit." In what way was this different? Hilde felt them put her in and buckle her up. They took off the cuffs and closed the lid of the mobile suit.

Um? They knew she knew how to drive a mobile suit, so this didn't make much sense. "Well, go for it anyway. I'll figure it out." She started to turn things on. It was all connected. She started to activate the hands. "I'm not really cleared for riding a mobile suit, but if it gets me out of here."

She didn't know their plan, but she went ahead and tried to move the legs. "Yeah, okay, not working." Operations were sealed that way. "Why did you put me in here?" Hmm.

She checked her oxygen levels. Fine. She tried to open or exit, but those were cut off. "Are you just keeping me in here for some reason?" She opened up her camera view. It was only locked on one location, the visual prompter down below. She saw her guards, looking proud of themselves. "What's the deal?"

"Look at your arm," one of them goaded her. "You're a soldier, now and forever. A worthless soldier, that's gonna die as a soldier."

Death. "If you wanted to kill me, you would have just straight blew me up. Are you going to press some self destruct button of this mobile suits or something?" she asked. "If so, I don't care. You're all just mad you couldn't put a baby in me, so now you think putting me in Duo's baby will somehow be revenge? How much stupider can you get?"

She turned off the camera. How dumb. Nothing happened. Five minutes. Twenty minutes passed. She turned the camera back on. Only one guard was still there? "What is this?"

"The slowest activation ever, but we wanted it to be a slow burn for you," the guard said to her. "Right now, it's just a mobile suit. It's nothing really special. When you start to get going though. When your heart starts to race and it wonders 'what is going on'? Then, it'll kick in. It'll be over soon after."

What were they even talking about? "I was ready to sacrifice my whole self when I tried to steer my first mobile suit years ago." If they thought she would go out pleading and begging? No way. "Just blow it up already."

"We aren't blowing it up. Revenge of the Lost doesn't just cast revenge. It's fitting. You are right, our first wave didn't work. Apparently you can't have kids or something. Pretty weak, I can't believe it. Looks like you'll never know the experience of having a wonderful, precious being in your arms."

"Really, trying to belittle me as a woman? Wow, you guys are just scratching to get anything now." Hilde turned the camera back off. She turned it back on. "Do you guys have any games or something? It's going to get boring in here, just waiting." Wait?

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