Chapter 21:Faking Out Gin

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"This feels a little weird," Hilde said to Duo as they were driven up to his brother's new place.

"Ah, it's just living with a family famously known for torture and killing people," Duo said sarcastically. "It's a safer place than anywhere else I got, and I can work with Heero here too. I just need to be real nice to my half-brother."

Hilde touched her stomach. "Didn't get real long to not have that feeling of this all being over."

"Already used to the live or die feeling of it too, so good practice?" he said as a positive note. They got out of the car and went to the door.

As nice as possible. Before Duo knocked, he already saw Gin open the door. He didn't look too welcoming. "Hey, again."

"Just get in." He left the door open for them.

Duo moved in front, holding Hilde's hand safely from behind. "Nice place again. Sorry things didn't work out last time I visited. I really did come to visit, but I thought she needed help."

"Yeah, I get it," Gin said to him. He looked at his hanging onto Hilde. "You're either really stupid or really desperate to bring her here."

"A little bit of both?" Duo teased.

"You're a genuine pilot," Gin said. Any kind of humor he had in him seemed almost gone from before.

"Yeah. This moment's pretty awkward. I call it like I see it," Duo said to him. "I promise, I'll work extra hard to find your girlfriend."

"She's carrying my nephew. One Song wasn't my girlfriend," he said slowly. "She was this great fusion of a girl, but she also knew I had the name Phillips on me. Most didn't make the connection, but she did." Gin glanced toward Hilde. "When it rains, it pours, you're carrying too?"

Hilde nodded. "We could really use any help we can get for . . . we still haven't gotten that far. We don't really . . ."

"Think about it. Yeah, RTL is a real piece of work, isn't it?" Gin seemed to be warming up to him. "Just because you knew him? Ran a junkyard together?"

"Run a junkyard together," Duo corrected him. "We'll eventually get back on our feet, and get back to our life." He noticed the smile on Gin. It really wasn't a bad smile.

"Yeah. I think we are all kind of stuck in a hole right now, but we'll get back up," Gin said in the same sort of way. "As long as I can save Middie. Trowa Barton took her, and it seemed pretty personal. I thought it was to ensure I get Catalonia, but Heero says he thinks that Catalonia might be carrying his kid instead. I don't know. They both sound like something twisted RTL would do."

Heero, what the hell? Gin must have gotten closer to the truth which would have pulled the Phillips away from them. "You figured out the connection, huh?"

"Yeah." Gin nodded. "They impregnated some of them for Gundam pilots. It makes sense why Trowa is holding One Song hostage." He smiled at Hilde. "Anyhow, nothing to fear here. This place is plenty big enough. It's not ideal for the average person, but you weren't an average person."

"I was a soldier," Hilde admitted. "I'll be fine."

"One thing I don't get, and Heero hasn't figured this one out either?" Gin looked toward Duo. "Why did RTL impregnate One Song and make my brother the father, when all the others involved, were all with pilots?"

Ah, he was too close. "Beats me."

"Maybe this One Song woman is carrying Trowa Barton's instead of Finn Phillips," Hilde said casually.

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