34 Her Anger Sometimes

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What?! "Hang on, who? Zechs?" No way. "Nobody messed with Zeches."

Martha didn't look convinced as she wrote his name down. "Who was he close to in the war that was female?"

"You mean Noin? She's not pregnant and they could have gotten her at any time." She wasn't being safe at all. "He's Relena's brother."

"Doubling the pain. Actually, she might be the price for Heero and Zechs. She wants Relena to suffer so badly, she could hit what she wants much harder with that excuse. Revenge of two pilots." She looked at in her notes. "This is not what she envisioned though, she is failing. Superior isn't someone who will accept failure. This is bad."

"Nobody knows Superior," Duo pointed out. "Not even Crystalia. What do you know about her?"

Martha paused. "She had so much hatred in her heart. I saw it when she first befriended me. I needed a place to stay or I was going to die. I didn't want to trust easily though, so she had to tell me about herself in order to make me come. I also made her promise that no one would know about me."

Like son, like mother, not so easy to convince. "What did she tell you?"

"She didn't know at first if she wanted to just kill herself or not. She had soo much anger in her, it was thriving in her very eyes. She said killing herself felt like she was trapping her spirit on this plane forever, that she would never be able to rest until she took her own justice."

"It was something to do with Heero," Duo said to her. "What was it?"

"He killed her little girl," she answered. "They lived next to a mobile suit factory he blew up."

"Oh. Poor kid. Mom's insane though, that was an accident, I'm sure of it." Killing someone off the field probably even hurt Heero if he knew about it. Striking down an innocent kid? Geez. "No reason to seek revenge to another innocent person. They don't get more peaceful than Relena Dorlain."

"She doesn't care about that," Martha warned him, but, she didn't look so good. "She just wanted someone else to feel her pain and she couldn't find a way to release it. The way she dressed and acted though, she had a lot of money. People with money can get things . . ."

"Hey?" Duo poked her. "You okay?" Shit. "You need a doctor?" Aw shit! "Okay, okay, I'll get you to a doctor." He'd have to put the search on hold. He called Wufei. "Wufei, I think RTL got to your mom anyhow. She might be dying."

"Let me talk! Is she there?!"

Duo gave her the phone. He didn't have a choice. He'd stop to get her help, but this might be the last time she could talk to her boy. Maybe the revenge against Wufei since his mom wasn't dead was just to . . . end her.

Duo saw a smile on her face as she heard Wufei's voice through the phone. She couldn't speak real well, but she was definitely speaking. "I wasn't allowed. Oh. No shame for you. Hm." She was getting worse. "Did you marry her? Oh. And? Oh, she didn't. Oh. Watch for flowers at Victoria."

Duo watched her body going more limp. He held the phone to her as he was pulling into the nearest hospital. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please! He didn't want her to die. He really didn't want her to die.

"Wufei." Strain in her voice. She was going quick. Duo reached the hospital and went inside to get help. By the time he came back with help, he already knew. He still let them take her away, but he had to pick up that phone. "Sorry, but she didn't make it." There was definitely sound over the phone along with concerned voices. At least Quatre's presence would keep him from going off. "I'll stay and find out the facts." No sound now, but he knew he was still there. Revenge of the Lost.

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