Chapter 18: The Enemy of My Enemy

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Saint Gabriel Institute

Relena looked around for Heero near the entrance. He knew they would be coming. She promised him. Where are you, Heero?

"Relena." Noin opened the door. "It looks like we can go inside. It's the weekend, no one will be here."

"It should be closed." Oh, Heero. "I understand. Heero unlocked the doors."

"Where is he?" Noin asked as Relena went inside.

"He'll only show if it's positive," Relena said, understanding that much. He wouldn't risk any chance of being seen with her now. She reached in her purse and pulled out the new test. Precautionary. Zeches had been telling her that the other test was probably good enough, and if her nerves rattled her, she could take another test at any time, and still go to Saint Gabriel for Heero's benefit.

She wouldn't do that though. Although she was preparing a speech in her mind, she would be as cautious as Heero. After this test, as long as it had been, her decision would be sound.

She took her test package into the stall. She did her business, and came out. She washed her hands as she kept track of the time. Not long. Last pregnancy test.

Watching it and the time. She bought one that was digital that stated 'negative' or 'positive' on the device. The best one on the market on Earth. Then, as she kept watching, not much time passed as it started to write dots across it's screen. When it was done, it would have it's answer.

"Are you done yet, Miss Relena?" Noin asked through the door. She had been polite enough not to come in.

"Almost." Relena smiled, knowing she was ready and waiting to hear the negative to call and tell Zeches. "I will be out soon." She didn't hear Noin answer. Instead, she heard a sound outside. Heero? She went toward the door, and it opened up.

With two people she never saw before, pointing guns at her. In the middle, was Heero. He was dressed in nice clothes, more posh than his regular wear. "The illustrious Relena Dorlain," he said strangely. "You're mine."

What? It was Heero, she could tell it was Heero, yet he whipped handcuffs around her wrists? What are you doing, Heero?

"You've just been jacked by the Phillips," one of the men she didn't recognize said. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

What did she have to say? Relena looked toward the corner. "Positive." She glanced back at Heero. He wasn't surprised at all. Just what are you up to, Heero Yuy?

She cooperated quietly as she was taken to a van outside. Noin had been knocked out. Really, Heero? What was going on? She was placed in the back of the van, gently by Heero taking over.

The other two did come in though and looked at her.

"Insane the theory worked, Heero," he said from across the room.

They continued driving for some time with Heero not saying a word to her. She didn't dare to say a word either as she tried to understand what Heero was up to.

When they stopped, they were in front of a simple residence.

"You need something else, Heero?" One of them asked.

"No. I'll be in on Tuesday as I prepare Relena," Heero said to them as he took her out of the back of the van. As it left, she waited. He still didn't explain anything, just going inside with her cuffs on.

Relena waited on the inside, still handcuffed. Even a pacifist reaches a limit. "Congratulations on the new profession and family, Heero Yuy."

Heero seemed to get the hint and undid the cuffs. "Take a seat, Relena."

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