Chapter 22: Glass Horse

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Crystalia stared at a glass horse in front of her. She'd had it for years. Having fragile glass of something so strong in nature.


Right now, the glass seemed much more in control than the horse.

"We lost them."

The glass was in much more control. She sat back in her seat. "Lost them?"

"We had Duo's assignment to try and correct it, but he immediately found her. He's too close and suspicious."

Too fragile.

"Trowa Barton found Middie Une too."

Too breakable.

"Chang Wufei's situation at least turned out right. She didn't get pregnant, but we did manage to destroy the colony. As for the Winner son and Heero Yuy, we haven't found them yet. We also lost track of Chang Wufei again. Still, it was fitting revenge."

All the results were landing right in front of her on the desk, like it should be impressive. "We lost."

"We didn't lose," another member said. "Of course we didn't lose, just the women from space didn't take. The others will be found and taken care of, and we will find fitting revenge as a substitute."

"We don't substitute!" Crystalia yelled knocking that fragile horse off the table. "It doesn't work with them all, so it doesn't work. That is not what superior wants."

"Yes, but making them still suffer in some way-"

"-is grasping," she finished for them. "Superior never said to pull that colony trick. It hurt, yes, but she wasn't pregnant. She wasn't even on it! Do you think Superior will say, 'oh, she cried and it made him feel bad? That's good.' No! She won't be that forgiving." She held her hand into a fist. "They deserve to hurt, in the same way. The same way. Consistency. You blew it. This didn't work. We lost."

"Then, what do we do?" the little sheep asked her, like she was actually the full one in charge.

"Nothing. We lost," she said. "Let them go." They didn't look happy about that. "To pursue trying to make them suffer without consistency isn't professional. Superior will have to create another plan."

"Then, what do we do?" one of them asked. "Just give up on trying to punish them?"

"No, but it needs to be consistent." They each had someone they now knew they had to protect. Even the flaw her group created with Wufei Chang would keep him closer to a random stranger. Wherever they were, they were with the ones who are or were supposed to be pregnant still. "We can still hurt them, without children. Consistency."

"I thought we decided that they all-"

"It doesn't work, deal with it." Life sucked, they should know that. It didn't work. "Plan B. The women they are protecting."

"We don't even know where they are though."

Yes, she did. She could find all of them right now. During the surgery, she had her doctors microchip each one.

Relena Dorlain was on Earth, in some mansion. That meant Heero Yuy wouldn't be far. Hilde Schbeiker was near the same area. Dorothy Catalonia and Mei-Lin were both on Earth in the company of someone they normally wouldn't be. Most likely it was some kind of hiding deal for safety.

And of course, Middie Une was at the circus. "I know where they all are. I just don't need anyone getting ahead of themselves like they did with Mei-Lin." That was absolutely stupid, taking out an entire colony of people!

Yes, it hurt Wufei Chang and Mei-Lin but it stupidly killed many innocents as well. "Who the hell came up with the Wufei Chang thing?"

"I thought it was good," one of them said. "It was great revenge considering his past."

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