Chapter 23: Cracker Crisis

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Quatre had been trying as hard as he could to find information. So had Wufei. He mostly stayed in, claiming sickness so he didn't have to deal with all the unfriendly 'friends' he had.

Dorothy walked by him, adjusting her outfit as she took a seat with her own book. Mei-Lin often preferred to be silent, almost subservient in the corner. It was hard to tell she was in a related sort of clan to Wufei, except when he accidentally angered her.

Then somehow, accidents happen that couldn't be explained, and a passive aggressiveness he couldn't really prove she had would be provoked. She never did anything major in front of others, never risking being found out.

Every time she did that, he swore Wufei had a slight smile on his face.

Today there was no smile. "Every single piece of information is old," Wufei said to Quatre. "There is still nothing."

Nothing. "I've noticed." Quatre was concerned about it too.

"Maybe so," Dorothy answered her.

He just nodded to her too, noticing a slight change in her usually slim body.

"Probably," she said to him.

It was still barely seen, but it meant time was moving farther along. They had been hiding in that disguise nearly four months already. When they first arrived, they had plenty of information to dig up in. So many holes they had mined, but it was like the mine had been sealed up away.

While the women were safe from being found, he couldn't keep up the charade forever with Wufei. They needed some kind of crack.

He noticed Dorothy looked uncomfortable, wiped her brows and stood up. She was getting warm. He noticed her head outside. "AC?"

"Fresh air," she insisted.


"She's starting to show," Wufei said to Quatre. "We should have had information dug up by now and had this whole charade ended. RTL went underground, they aren't making any moves. Even STL is being silent."

Yeah. Quatre watched Dorothy come back in. She didn't look so good. As she passed, he touched her hand gently. She didn't comment, just held it back.

It didn't even last ten seconds before they both let go at the same time. Dorothy started to turn the AC on. "Don't know."

"Hope so," he said back to her. Her changing body was making her feel sick and hot. She was trying to be polite for everyone in the room so she wasn't turning the AC too low. She didn't know if it would be low enough to do her good, but hopefully it did.

No, she was going to go back outside again instead. Mei-Lin moved toward Wufei.

"Are we wasting time now?" she asked him.

"Apparently," he admitted. "It's been down too long."

Quatre watched the front door, waiting for Dorothy to come back within it. He put down his information and moved away from his chair.

"Hey!" one of his 'friends' had showed up.

"Where is my chick?" Quatre asked him. "No fooling, Man, you better not be messin'."

"I'm not messin'," his 'friend' said. "Your platinum goodie isn't out here."

What? Quatre looked all around them. "Hell?" He hated to use the vulgarity, but he did when it called for it. "The hell is she?" He started taking down to the corner.

Nothing. "Baby!" Quatre yelled, trying to stay in character. "I didn't mean to mess on you, come back!"

"Dude, I hope you didn't mess on the platinum, she was fine."

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