36 New Leader of the Phillips Family?

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RTL's New Hiding Spot

Middie glanced over toward Crystalia who refused to look at her.

"Give it up," Hilde told Middie from her side. "I've tried talking to her to have someone to talk to. I mean, it started with heavy yelling toward her, but I eventually just tried talking. It doesn't work." She sighed and hung onto the bars. "At least I have new company and I don't mind talking. It would make me feel much better."

Middie looked toward her. This was supposed to be Hilde, Duo Maxwell's friend. She didn't know a whole lot about the other women personally, just the problems they faced. At least she was chipper. Middie wasn't much for conversation right now though. She knew what would be coming.

"Hey, just a small chat?" Hilde asked. "I know this place isn't nice, but it's scarier when there's no one but your own thoughts in your head to talk to." She moved closer. "How is Duo?"

Middie didn't have much to say, but it was obvious Hilde really wanted someone to talk to. She'd been gone from her sense of security for about a month. "He's been searching for you a lot." She wished she had something else for her. "He must miss you."

"I hope so because I really miss him," Hilde answered.

Middie watched as three women were coming toward the cell. Not good. Hilde backed up too.

When they came in, they grabbed Middie. Hilde watched them start to drag her out. "Easy, she's obviously pregnant." Hilde looked toward Crystalia, who still didn't say a word.

"See?" Another member said as they pointed to Crystalia. "Absolutely true, no doubt about it. Crystalia doesn't give a shit, this is a big lie." The guard pushed Middie against the wall and took out a knife. "What should we put into you, and how should we do it?"

"Well, Crystalia?" the other guard asked. Crystalia still didn't look at her. "On the shoulder or on the stomach?"

"It's not my body to choose." Crystalia finally said something.

"I knew it, I so knew it!" The guard closest to Crystalia grabbed her own knife and pulled it closer to Crystalia's cell. "Don't think this is going to save you, you really went against RTL. We are going to find accurate punishment for you, and your son is not off our radar."

What was going on? "It's your grandkid," Hilde pointed out, "the least you could do is yell shoulder." It was the least she could possibly do. Hilde didn't get it. Weren't they actually supposed to kill Crystalia in the worst way they could if they got her again? "Why are you even still alive?"

"She's the mom of the gundam pilot," one of the guards told her. "She isn't the grandmother of this baby though. Crystalia is too cold to her, and there were rumors about whether she really did it or not. Especially talking with the Phillips."

The Phillips? "Duo's relations?" Oh. "Middie Une isn't pregnant with Trowa Barton's."

"She was just trying to save face with RTL by making it look like it." The guard came closer to Crystalia. "We won't be fooled. Superior will have more than a few words for you."

Hilde heard painful screaming in the back. "Middie!" What a bunch of- "You're nothing but a bunch of lowlives, just wait, kharma is definitely coming for you." Messing with a six month pregnant woman. "I'm not even relation to that woman and I feel sorry for her," Hilde said looking toward Crystalia. "You either were playing RTL, or you are the best poker player I have ever seen."

"I don't like gambling," Crystalia mentioned back.

Oooh! It was so hard to read that woman.

"Mind your own business," Crystalia called back to her. "Worry about yourself. The easiness in here will be over soon." Middie's scream rang out again. "It'll be closer to that."

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