The Flirty Dr Green

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Sean's Pov

When Owen came back from his run, he looked pretty flustered for someone who usely has a stick up his ass. I walked over to him to confront him, but when he saw me his eyes went wide and he walked faster to try and get away from me. Chuckling on the inside I kept pace next to him, oh Owen you should know better than to try and avoid me by now, I spoke to myself feeling an evil laugh coming on. "So Owen" I began, only to hear him groan, making me smile and feeling almost giddy at being able to rile him up. "Anything interesting happen on your run today?" I asked him with as much innocence in my voice as I could muster. He just looked at me side ways and continued walking at a brisk pace back to our shared cabin. I have to say leaving the castle and all the luxury of it behind, felt amazing, getting the rest I needed made me feel alive again for the first time in years. While walking with Owen I looked around and then saw our mate come out of the woods aswell, "and the plot thickens" I smile to myself again, this was turning out to be very much fun and very interesting.

"You wouldn't have happened to come across our mate while on your run mmmm?" I asked only to see his steps falter for a second. It was so quick if you didn't pay attention you would have missed it, but me being me didn't miss a thing when it came to Owen. "I have no idea what your talking about Sean" he replied making me almost trip and fall over my own feet, getting a minute smile on his face as well. Did he just adress me on my name? Oh something most definitely happened on his run and our beautiful mate had obviously something to do with his behaviour. "SEAN" I heard my name being called, when I turned around our mate was standing on her back porch waving me over to her. "Mmmm maybe I could get her to tell me what happened between them" I thought to myself. I left Owens side and walked over to her, she turned around and went inside of her house with me following close behind her. In the kitchen she was busy putting water on for coffee so I went and sat down by her kitchen counter, waiting to hear what she wanted to talk about. This is a first for her, she never once acknowledged any one of us until now, I was even more curious at what happened between her and Owen in the forest.

When she was finished making us both a cup she sat down across from me, "I wanted to let you know that I spoke to Owen, and have decided to give this mate thing a chance and see how it goes" she said but she had a light blush to her cheeks. It made me know that something more happened between them than just talking, it also confirmed my suspicions I had earlier. My heart soared at the idea of finally being happy along side my brother's with our mate, I couldn't keep the huge grin from my face no matter how hard I tried. Kenny looked at me and smiled softly at the look I had on my face. "But I also told him that it isn't going to be easy and might take some time before we are were we need to be" she added softly, as if she was scared about something, I just couldn't figure out what. I shook my head but still grinned from ear to ear, "That is okay, none of us can expect for things to be sunshine and rainbows from the start, I am just glad that you are willing to give us a second chance" I told her almost breathless from the look in her eyes as she was looking at me, and man that smile will have me on my knees anytime of the day. After we chatted for a little longer about how things were going with the cabins, I left with a skip to my step going over to were Owen was standing talking to our brothers. I wasn't going to corner him about it now, but boy will he get it when we are alone later. It wasn't going to be easy getting anything from him seeing as he is always so closed of towards everyone around him. Although I knew with a lot of prodding and nagging he will eventually give in and tell me what I want to know. When you have been friends with him for as long as I have you learn over time what made him tick and how to get inside his wall. My brothers haven't learned how yet, but then again they just accepted him as he is, which is a good thing. Owen has never been an easy man but with his past, that only I know about, you couldn't expect anything else. Me being me will always stand behind him in everything he does. To much has happened for it to be any way else, I might not agree with him about everything and he might make mistakes from time to time, not that he will admit it, but that is how we are all able to learn and grow together. Standing next to him while talking with our brothers felt good for the first time in a while and you could feel him being relaxed and content. It was a very strange feeling coming from him but I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good and it gave me hope for better things to come. Now we just needed to get the rest of our brothers to become the same and I would literally be in heaven and to think it was all thanks to our beautiful mate...

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