The Last Chapter

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McKenzie's pov

After the Toma team left, I was standing in front of the Blackbourn team, watching the different emotions running across their faces. Some had hurt, others had anger and one had relief. " I believe it's best if all of you leave as well please, this wasn't meant to be and I am truly sorry if some of you got hurt by this, but I do believe that there is someone else out there for you and that you would find her soon". With that said I turned around and left them there, I went out into the woods towards the lake. I didn't want to stand there and watch them leave, this whole ordeal only made me more firmer in my believe that a mate was not for me. Maybe others had happiness in finding their mate, but for me it wasn't supposed to happen. I sat down next to the look and looked out at the clear blue water, a sense of peace and contentment ran through me, solidifying my decision about rejecting them. At least now I can concentrate on building up my own pack and becoming the alpha female I was meant to become.

Owen's pov

My brothers glared at me, blaming me for our ex-mates decision, and in away I blame myself as well. I most definitely didn't handle things the right way, and will remember this for any future opportunities, keep in mind if the moon goddess decides to give us a second chance mate. I turned around and walked into our cabin and started packing my things, when I came down after a little while my brothers was done packing as well. Seems it's time for us to leave.

Sean's pov

I was hurt that things turned out the way it did, I really believed that she was it for us and that things could have worked out, if my brothers didn't handle things the way they did. Sighing I picked up my bag and slung it across my shoulder, moping about what could have been is not going to help any of us. We will pick each other up again and move past this.

Kota's pov

Well, this is definitely a first for us, not having something work out hasn't happened to us since we became a family, but I guess there is always a first for us. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts running throughout it, I fell in step behind my brothers making our way back to our old lives. It was most definitely going to an adjustment to get back into our old routines.

Luke's pov

I walked behind everyone, shuffling my feet, they felt like lead as we walked away from the best thing in our life's, well that's my opinion anyway. Almost groaning out loud at the thought of how unbearable my baby brother North is going to be when we get back home. Life sure as heck sucks right now, but we have been through a lot together and we will get through this as well.

Gabriel's pov

Well, Fuck this whole fucking thing is utter and complete fucking bullshit. Now we are on our way back to our old boring fucking life's at the fucking castle. Why in the fuck couldn't they just remove their heads out of their fucking asses when it came to her? Why the fuck couldn't they just treat her right? I believe that I need to start rethinking this whole team shit. It just fucked up everything for us, well I do have the whole way back to think about it.

North's pov

I am going to fucking kill them, at this point it's taking all my fucking energy not to shift into my wolf and fucking rip them apart. When we get back to the castle I think it's best if we stay out of each other's way. Otherwise I don't know if I will be able to hold myself back from hurting them.

Sila's pov

As we're walking along the forest, I can feel the anger raidiating of of North. I am going to have to keep a close eye on him, when he is like this, there is no telling what he will do. As brothers we are alienated enough right now, if he was to hurt any of our brothers, I don't know if we would ever be able to come back from that.

Victor's pov

Things are truly scary right now, I don't even know if we will still be a team once we get back home, not to mention that again we will be alone with no mate. I am starting to wonder if sharing a mate is really such a good idea for us.

Nathan's pov
I am sorry my brothers are hurting right now, and I know I am partly to blame for it, but I had never agreed with the decision to share a mate amongst all of us and I still don't think it can work. What just happened just proved my point on it. I hope she finds someone that will treat her like the queen she is, but we were not the right people for her.

Authors note

I want to thank each and every person who has read this book of mine and every one who will still read it. You all are amazing. And thank you for your patience with on the time it took me to update. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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