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Time skip( A few minutes later)

Kenny's pov

I looked around at all the men standing, waiting for me to start talking; I masked the hurt that I was feeling, and pushed the walls that was starting to come down back up. The Blackbourn group looked worried and was fidgeting around, while the Toma group just looked guilty, as they should with what they have done. I took in a deep breath and lifted my head, biting down hard on my teeth grinding it to try and get control over my anger, it wasn't easy as I promised myself to never get hurt again but yet here I am. Looking just ahead of me and not at any of my mates I cleared my throat: "I Kenny Mackenzie, reject all of you as my mates, king alpha Axel Toma, King Mark Welding, King Brandon Henshaw, King Corey Henshaw, and King Ravenstahl. I hereby reject you fully and want nothing further to do with you" I spoke loud and clear through gritted teeth. The pain which came with the rejection ripped through me, But I stood firm not showing any emotion to the five men who have hurt me the worst just a few minutes ago, when I met them I thought my life would be different but again I was proven wrong. They fell to the ground growling from the pain going through them as the bond broke and shattered into tiny pieces; I turned to the other nine men standing watching in shock at what just happened. "No fuck No" and "fucking shit" was heard among some of them, others didn't make a sound just staring at me. Some growling was also heard from the five that was still bend down on the ground.

They tried to come to me and everyone of them tried talking over the other, but I just held my hand up and stopped them. "I am sorry, but unfortunately I can't reject them but accept you. You should know the rules of the moon goddess about this. It's unfortunate that you have to suffer because they couldn't get their act together, when I am done here I will leave to never return again, I do hope you all can find the love you need." I informed them with a cold voice making it clear that this wasn't up for discussion and no matter what they did, this was going to happen. Then I went through the process of rejecting the Blackbourn group as well, when all was done and I felt the mate bond snap and shatter into pieces, I turned around and left them in their office, slamming the door behind me not looking back at them for fear of changing my mind. Not even going to my room to collect any of my things, I mean I came here with nothing so I am leaving with nothing, it's for the best, I didn't want any of the things they bought me as a reminder of another failure in my life. When I reached the outside of the castle I turned into my wolf and ran as fast as I could to get away from there, the pain subsiding only a little bit, if I was a lessor werewolf and not as strong as I am, I was sure that this would have killed me right then and there. The others didn't even fight it when I rejected them so maybe they didn't want me as well. Oh well so be it, what's done is done no need to dwell on things in the past that can't be changed. My wolf was furious with everything and everyone, we both decided that this was the last time we would trust anyone with anything in our life's again, no man will ever be able to have our full trust or our hearts, there is no such thing as second chance mates and in my mind that was a good thing. 

Moving quickly through the forest heading back to where I was born for the first time in too long, I could only hope to find my way there but I knew my wolf would take us home. I smiled thinking of all the work that needed to be done when I got there, if someone else hadn't claimed the territory by now and if they had I would just move on and find a new place to call home. I am free now and had my whole life ahead of me, nothing was standing in my way anymore. Starting to make a mental list of the houses that need rebuilding, and all the work that it's going to take to find new pack members to join my pack. This time I will do things differently I will make sure nothing like what happened in the past will happen again, and if that meant that I accept a witch into my pack then so be it. I will train my people myself and we will become the strongest pack in the world and all those that think they will hurt us will be killed on the spot no second chances will be given anymore. "I swear on my blood, mom and dad, that never will your legacy be forgotten or your memories die" I called out through the forest when I entered my old pack lands to see all the ruins around me. I walked over to the place where my old pack house used to stand, and let my mind run through all the old memories from when I used to live here. There still seemed to be gaps in my memory but I just shook it off. One stray tear leaked from my eyes, when I cut into my palm with my nail and dripped my blood on the ground, claiming my old pack lands for myself, making me the new alpha. The power rushing through me when my blood reached the ground felt amazing, now it was finally time for a new beginning......

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