Hoping to right the wrongs

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Kenny's pov

They were all quiet during the night after the fight, just once and awhile I would hear one of them walking around presumably doing peremeter checks. I struggled to sleep, my wolf was on edge having all her mates so close yet so far. I still couldn't think of a way how this would work, besides the pain some of them caused me, the matebond was still there, which only meant they didn't except the rejection. There was just to many of them how was I suppose to keep all of them happy and all of them were alpha males. I truly don't know what the moon goddess was thinking when she mated me to fourteen men. My head was spinning with all the thinking I was doing, no matter how hard I tried to switch my brain of it was just not happening.

By four in the morning I gave up on getting any sleep what so ever and went to the kitchen to make myself a strong cup of coffee. I was sitting at my kitchen table when someone knocked on the back door. Sighing I got up and opened the door for the doc, his sweet apple smell drifted into my nose even before I got to the door. I stood back so he could come inside, no one else was with him and he looked very worried when he walked past me into the kitchen. "What do you want? " I asked him in a clipped tone, my tiredness making me very grumpy. "I am sorry to bother you Kenny, but I saw your light go on and was just worried something was wrong" he replied in a sad voice with his shoulders slumped.

I sighed again and sat back down to continue drinking my coffee, "Why are you all here, what do you want from me? " I asked then took a sip of my coffee. He sat down on the other side of me and folded his hands in front of him. "We want you, it's as simple as that, you are our mate and we are not willing to let you go with out a fight, I know some of them messed up badly but they were scared and I know that it's not an excuse for what they did but they are really really sorry for hurting you, we all just want a chance to show you that we are worthy of being your mates" he said looking me straight in the eyes. The truth of what he said was clear as day but I was still skeptical about the whole thing.

I got up and walked over to the kitchen window and looked out at the darkness. "I don't see how this could work with there being so many of you" I told him in a firm but slightly confused voice. He got up and came to stand next to me looking out the window as well. "No one said it was going to be easy for any of us, but I believe with everything in me that we could make this work, if you would just give us a chance, together we could all work it out" he whispered. I looked at him then and saw the hope he had on his face, maybe I am being to hard on them and myself, maybe it was time I let go of all the wrong things that ever happened to me and started focusing on all the right things that was part of the here and now. I turned back to the window and nodded my head, "Okay, I will give this one more chance, it doesn't mean I have forgiven them in any way shape or form, but I am willing to see how this will go and how this will work out" I conceded and then turned around walking back to the door opening it for him to leave. The smile he had on his face could light up a whole town with how big was bright it was. "But, if any of them ever do something like that again I won't just reject them I will rip them apart limp for limp" I told him with a smile on my face. He gulped and nodded his head that he understood and walked over to the houses the others already started building. I went back to my room after closing the door, feeling better and got back into bed finally falling asleep.....

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