Fighting the enemy

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Kenny's pov
The rogues standing in front of me was foaming around the mouth, eager to start the fight, they almost seemed feral. My wolf was chomping at the bits to jump right in and start to rip them apart, but I couldn't do that just yet, she has been itching for a fight ever since we rejected our mates. Although we were strong there was a hell of a lot of them and I needed to be smart about this or I could get seriously hurt. Before I could make a move on the thoughts running through my mind four new smells hit my nose, my mates was coming to stand next to me and behind me trying to form a circle to protect me, but my wolf wasn't having any of it, stomping her paw in the ground and huffing at them. I rolled my eyes at this and could feel her annoyance with them growing but we didn't have time for this and needed to focus on the fight ahead. One of the front rogue's got impatient in waiting and launched at me with a speed I didn't expect from such an uncivilised animal. So the fight began and all you could hear was growls, yelps and flesh being shredded, the smell of copper in the air was heavy as blood was spilled. I was on my eighth rogue when ten new smells hit my nose, making it itch with curiosity. Looking up from the dead rogue beneath me, I saw my ten other mates has joined the fight against the rogues, I lost my attention for only a second, but that was all it took for a rogue to get the jump on me and pin me to the ground, the anger at my stupidity was coursing through me like a burning fire and I saw a red haze covering my eyes... 

Others pov
Owen... ..
When all of us reached our mates pack lands I couldn't believe what I saw, there was only one beautiful two storey cabin and another two still in the early building stages. The sound of a fight going on drew my attention and without thinking about it I ran straight towards it, I shifted into my wolf at the ready to rip apart anyone who was trying to hurt my mate. What I wasn't expecting was my four brothers who left us earlier fighting alongside our mate fighting of rogue's or the sight of my mates wolf ripping apart the rogue who jumped her. I didn't waste anymore time and jumped straight in and helped them, hopefully she won't be to pissed at me for jumping right in, I thought to myself while ripping open the neck of one of the rogues, and hopefully this would be start to us making up for what we let happen at the castle....

Raven.. ...
I was shocked to see a fucking army of rogues trying to kill my mate and brothers, what the hell was going on here? I saw most of the rest of my brothers join the fight. When our mates attention was on us a rogue jumped her and was pinning her to the ground. I huge roar left me and I started running towards her to get the stupid fucking rogue of her, but before I could get to them she switched positions and ripped his throat out making his head fall down on the ground lifeless, I grew hard at the sight of my strong mate, not taking any crap from those filthy beasts, how Axel could ever think that we needed someone else I still couldn't fathom but maybe now he will see that she truly is the one for us...

Axel. ....
Seeing my mate in action had me panting in breaths at the beautiful sight in front of me, she was so strong and fearless. It only made me feel even worse for my attitude towards her and all the pain I caused, I could only hope that she could forgive me, so I did the only thing I could and joined the fight to save my mate, hopefully this will help win her over and give us a second chance in happiness, I can't believe I was so stupid to think she wasn't right for us, no wonder my brothers aren't talking to me right now,... 

I stood shocked frozen at the sight in front of me, there was so much blood everywhere and dead bodies from left to right, it has been quite some time since we have been apart of action like this, my wolf was feeling really excited at getting let out his animalistic side, he was yipping happily. I on the other hand could only hope that none of the blood belonged to any of my brothers or our mate, this wasn't the way we were suppose to meet up with her again, I had this romantic scene playing in my head all the way here and this was most definitely not apart of it. After finally snapping out of my frozen state I jumped in and tried to help were I could, checking as I go to make sure everyone I cared about was okay and not hurt or if they needed my help, I was going to skin them alive if they get so much as a scratch... 

Kenny. ....
The fight was finally over and I was panting with all the energy I used to fight of the enemy, my brain was trying to work over time in figuring out why the rouges was working together in a pack, but sadly they were all dead and I couldn't question them on it,  turning around I found all fourteen of my mates standing, watching me with what seems to be pride in their eyes. I huffed at that and walked past them back to my cabin, I needed a long warm soaking bath to get rid of all the blood and smell of me and to give my overworked muscles a much needed break, a month of not having to fight seemed to have made me weaker, something I was going to have to fix if I wanted to be an Alpha of my own pack, I couldn't let myself become a weak pathetic being again like I used to be when my old pack was still a life. Afterwards I will deal with them and why they are here, I didn't need their fucking help to win this fight and they better get it in their heads fast, that I will not let them start treating me as fragile, that kite just won't fly for me... ..

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