Meeting New People

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Axel's pov

I was standing in front of the pack, everyone was on their knees, even the woman and children, it didn't take much to round them all up after Mark gave the go ahead. All you could hear was whimpers and soft cries coming from the kids and their mothers, I felt a little bad for them, they were innocent in all of this. The unmated females was looking at me and Owen with pure lust in their eyes, I couldn't believe the nerve they had after being captured by us, you would think this situation would make them a little less of sluts, but I guess I was wrong, it seems that they didn't care in what type of situation they were in, they only thought about fucking and being fucked. We decided that only me and Owen with an army of our warriors would come and get our brothers from this disgrace of a pack, when we heard of what was going on here we had to do something, hence Mark and Raven now being in their dungeon, my worries for them were compelling although I knew they could take care of themselves a hundred times over, it still didn't stop me from worrying about all of them. 

They were so self-absorbed, they didn't even realize they had two of their kings in their dungeons, I couldn't believe how utterly stupid they were and naive to think they could get away with this forever. I was just about to mind link Mark when the alpha came running out of the dungeon like a bat out of hell. The minute he set foot outside my warriors grabbed him and brought him over to be put next to his mate on the ground, he tried to get out of their grip but wasn't strong enough . "What the hell is the meaning of this?" the disrespecting fool gritted out between his teeth while glaring over at us, but there was also fear in his eyes as he kept stealing glances back at the dungeon entrance. Now Owen was just watching him with his eyes narrowed always the calm and collected one of all of us, but me nah not so much. That was why I had my hand wrapped around his throat before he could blink and was growling menacing at him. I caught the fear that rushed through his eyes and my wolf smirk at the idiot, he should be afraid, but I didn't think that his fear was for me at that moment. 

Before I could say anything else the most intoxicating smell hit my nose and I pushed him back to fall on his arms that were bound behind him. I straightened myself and looked towards the entrance of their dungeon were I saw Mark and Raven walking out next to each other. Mark had a frown on his face and Raven had a huge grin on his, but the smell was most definitely not coming from them. It was only when they got closer that I realized there was someone else walking behind them. Only when they were a few feet away from us did they move out of the way and away from each other as if they were making a path for someone. My breath caught in my throat at the beauty before me and I could hear Owen have the same reaction to her, which was strange for Owen. When I looked back at Raven and Mark it was obvious they knew exactly what happened with me and Owen from the smirks on their faces. Why the little shits will pay for not informing us before hand of this, and why the fuck was she coming from the dungeons in the first place?. 

We have finally found our mate and she was gorgeous, her head was down and all I could see was her black hair and a figure that would have any man on his knees begging for her attention. I wanted her to look up so I cleared my throat to try and get her attention, but she only looked to her left and not at us. I felt Owen come and stand next to me, "Finally the two of you joined us, was starting to think you enjoyed staying down there" he spoke to our brothers but his eyes was on her the whole time, the stoic expression back in place. Raven chuckled and shook his head, "If you had such a beauty keeping you company, would you leave without bringing her along?" Raven responded back to Owen his grin only growing more in size, he was feeling pretty proud of himself.

I smiled at my brother for his bluntness and looked back at her seeing she didn't seem to have heard a word he said or she just ignored it, which was strange because she was most definitely a werewolf so her hearing should be as good as ours. No emotion was showing on her face but a blank look when she finally turned her head to us and looked me straight in the eyes. For a second time my breath got caught inside me when I saw the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen but the haunted look and the coldness there made me shiver, I felt my heart lurch in my chest with the pain I saw there. I looked to Owen when I heard a growl from behind me and turned around to see the alpha growling at us with jealousy and hate in his eyes, it seemed he didn't like us looking at her at all, but his mate was next to him so this was very peculiar. Well this just got interesting fast, I couldn't believe that we found her, all I wanted to do was take her in my arms and remove the hurt from her eyes but I knew we needed to get to the bottom of this first before doing anything else......

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