And The Fun Begins

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Marks pov

I shifted to the back of my cell nervously; It took a lot to make me nervous but the dark look she got on her face was making me shiver. How could a woman that's so beautiful look so deadly all of a sudden? I asked myself and looked over at Raven to see if he felt the same as me. He was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face; oh he was loving this side of her. I wanted to facepalm myself, because off course he would love it, stupid Russian loves torturing bad people and the sadist in him was loving this. I shook my head and gazed back over to her when more people filled the outside of the cells, this wasn't going to end well. She just kept standing there with the dark look on her face and her arms crossed, I couldn't feel an ounce of fear coming of, of her and that made me even more nervous for what was coming.

 They were obviously a hand full of warriors and in the centre of them was the alpha, hiding behind the men around him, making him even more pathetic in my eyes. This was the opening I was waiting for, "you can take the pack now but do it quietly, the alpha is here in the dungeons with us and a few of his warriors, don't know why". I mind linked Axel so they could get started. "Got it" was all I received back, typical of him to keep it short. When I focused back on her again she still had an evil smile on her face but was ready for a fight, her stance was one of defence and not the one of complete relaxation she had before. The guard walked slowly over to her cell and unlocked it; I was still trying to figure out what was going on in this crazy ass pack. "Today is the last time we will do this song and dance bitch, you will be mine" the alpha growled out at her with a deadly look on his face and she just laughed at him. Shocked at what I heard I looked to Raven to see him looking beyond pissed, this Alpha really had a death wish and if I could give him any kind of advise it would be to not even try hurting the female.

 "No brother, don't they will feel your power and all of this would have been for nothing, just give it a little more time please" I begged him to calm down, fuck this was going sideways fast. He looked at me with a frown but nodded and took a deep breath to calm himself and stepped back. What happened next was all a blur, the warriors stormed her cell and she started fighting them. I couldn't believe my eyes, this woman was unbelievable. They didn't get to lay a hand on her the whole time they were fighting, she was way too fast and strong for them. Raven was brimming with energy and heat the whole time watching her kill them of one by one, he wanted in on the action and fun. 

Not even an half an hour later and it was all over, the air smelled of copper and her cell floor was coated in the warrior's blood, their remains lay strewn all over, there were even pieces stuck to the walls behind her. I looked at the alpha to see him looking at her in fear and absolute defeat, he couldn't believe that he was now no longer protected by others but wide open for her atack. "You were saying?" she asked him while walking out of her cell slowly, with a deadly determination. The guard had disappeared sometime during the fight and the alpha was left alone down here, it was not a good position for him to be in. He turned around so fast I felt like I got whiplash just watching him, he ran out of there with the speed of white light, which in all honesty was probably the best thing he could do. She walked out of her cell and grabbed the keys that lay on the floor, throwing it up in the air and then catching it again in one hand, with a contemplative look on her face. I didn't even see the guard dropping it on his way out; she came to our cell and unlocked it for us. 

"I am guessing it's your people that are outside waiting" she spoke to us for the first time since we were put down here, not that I knew of her before today or that she was even down here to begin with. I couldn't find my voice and just nodded my head dumbly at her, wanting to slap myself for not opening my mouth and saying something to her. Raven chuckled while he moved past me and out to stand in front of her, "When this is all over, May I present you with a fruit cup?" he asked her with a hopeful look on his face, I wander what Corey would think of him offering fruit cups to someone else. I walked out and stood by them glowering at him for being so stupid, and not thinking with anything other than his dick right now. "If I live through this, you may present me with a fruit cup Russian" she responded to him with a wink, then turned around and started walking to the entrance of the cell's. I was utterly shocked until it hit me what she really sai,. Why would she think she was going to die? That was just as confusing as this whole experience so far has been, shaking my head at all the questions that ran through my head, I guess there is only one way to get answers for all of them and that is to actually ask them...

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