Getting back up (part 2)

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Others pov continuing

Arguing and cursing could be heard behind the three as they left their brothers behind in the office. They packed up some clothes, put their bags over their shoulders and walked out of the castle ignoring the stares from the people around them. "Ummm no offense, but do we have like any idea of where she might be? " Luke asked them when they reached the woods. They stopped when they heard someone running after them shouting their names. Gabriel catches up to them a little out of breath and annoyed at them,  "Fucking really guys,  you were just going to fucking leave without me?" he asked on a huff, red in the face from running hard to catch up. 

Luke smiled at his best friend and brother, he knew Gabriel wouldn't stay behind, they have been through to much together. He turned back to the others seeing them smile as well, raising his eyebrow to say he was still waiting on the answer to the question he asked them before.  "She went back to her old packs land, we had sent someone out there a little while ago to make sure, they came back yesterday to confirm that she was indeed there" North responded to Luke's question, it seemed his brother had been preparing for this fo awhile now. Luke nodded his head and the four of them turned back to the woods.

They all shifted into their wolfs, picked up their bags in their mouths and started running towards their mate with excitement and trepidation running through them at seeing her again, and also hope that she would except them and not chase them away, the thought of her wanting nothing to do with them made his chest feel constricted and his heart lurge with pain but he pushed it down to consentrate on were he was running.......

Meanwhile back in the office

The room was silent after four of their brothers left and they all had gotten their shouting and cursing under control. Owen sank down in the nearest chair, head hung in defeat and hurt of losing them in an blink of an eye.  "Owen what are we going to do now, we can't just let them go like this,  they are family?" Sean asked him looking like his heart was breaking into a million pieces. Owen's shoulders sagged down even more, "I don't know Sean, I never expected this to happen" he said looking down at the floor, he really thought time would heal them but he was so wrong. Nathan jumped up from the couch fists clenched by his sides,  "This is all your fucking fault" he roared at the Toma team who stood at the side of the room completely shocked at what just happened. Axel never meant for any of this to come to pass, he couldn't believe how much his decision has hurt the people around him. He fell to the floor on his knees gripping his long blond hair in his hands tugging hard,  for the first time in a long time he cried. No one seemed to care for his distress, all of them were locked in their own minds with the hurt running through them, crippling them. "Well, Fuck this,  I am not staying here anymore either,  I am going to find out where my brothers went and then I am going to join them,  this team has officially just fallen to shit" Nathan growled out after no one spoke for a few minutes. Owen stood up with a new determined look on his face as he straightened his tie once more, pulling his hand through his hair to make sure it was in order, he wasn't going to lose anymore of his brother's and he was going to get the others back. Sean smiled at him knowing that his best friend just made an life altering choice and he knew it would be the right one. Clearing his throat he looked to his team and saw that he had their undivided attention, "I believe we have come to the point where it was time for the blackbourn team to leave the academy once and for all,  it's time for them to choose new kings to take over from us,  we have paid our debts to them, Kota get in touch with the elders and ask for an emergency meeting with them, Victor start preparing all our paperwork that would be needed to resign from our positions,  Nathan start searching for where our brothers left of to, Sean begin looking for an replacement to take over your position in the hospital, I will handle all the heat that this decision will bring upon us" he finished in his no nonsense voice.  All of them jumped up and started following his orders,  Sean walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder, "Best decision you have ever made Owen" he patted him on the shoulder and walked out to do as ordered. Owen moved over to the window and looked outside at the forest, a small smile crept up onto his lips as he thought about what new adventures the future held for him and his brothers. Axel has stopped crying and had gotten of the floor looking at the man by the window with admiration, "We want to join you Owen" he spoke with the same determination as Owen did before. Without turning around, " That is all up to you Mr Toma,  but know one thing, if you ever hurt my brothers or our mate like you have already done again,  I will rip you apart without any remorse" he answered him. Axel swallowed hard at the ice in Owen's voice but knew that if he ever crossed the line again Owen won't hesitate in keeping his promise. Axel turned to his brother's and gave a nod to them, they all went to help the other's prepare for the journey ahead and their new lifes....

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