Quiet Victor

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Victor's pov

I stood there glaring first at Nathan then I turned my glare on Luke, he felt it and  turned towards me with a frown and confusion on his face. "You didn't think to inform the rest of us what our mate was doing and she was working herself into the ground when all of us could have been helping and in the process show her we were there for her?" I growled at him. He Jumped back as if I slapped him in the face, he stood there opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. Growling was heard all around me coming from the others, I glared at them both again before turning around and going into our cabin and up to my room slamming my door. My chest was heaving with anger at my two brothers who don't seem to have any brains inside their heads. Walking over to my bed I just dropped down on it  and pushed the closed my eyes, having decided to go and help out our mate in the morning I turned around on my side and fell asleep with full determination to try and fix their mistakes the next day.

The next day    

I got up very early and prepared for the day ahead, when I came into the kitchen Owen was standing there with a cup of tea in his hands and a frown on his face, when he saw me making my way over to the coffee machine his frown only deepened more. "Your up early" a statement not a question, I only nodded at him not feeling up to talking to any of them. "We are having a meeting as soon as everyone are up" he informed me, scoffing I turned to him, "You will be having the meeting with out me, I have plans for today" I replied and finished my coffee.  Before he could say anything back I left through the front door just in time to see her walking into the forest. Following her quickly I caught up to her easily and walked beside her with out saying a word, she looked over at me and frowned but didn't say anything. Reaching the place where she was working I could only gape at all the work she has already done and at how much there was still left to do before the space clean enough to make an axial road.

We didn't talk at all, just started working side by side, I was truly amazed at how hard she was pushing herself to get this done, with new determination I pushed myself just as hard and the day passed by without a word from either of us only grunts when we moved some heavy things out of the way. When the day was over and we left to go back to the others I was covered in sweet and my body ached like it has never ached before, shaking my head, I couldn't believe she worked like this every day, no wonder she was completely and utterly tired at night. "Why did you help me today?" she asked in a soft but firm voice, "Because my brothers are idiots and you shouldn't have to do all the worked alone" I answered true fully. A small smile grazed her lips and she only nodded her head. When we came through the trees every one else was watching us shocked to see us together, she nodded at me again and went to her cabin to retire for the night.

When I came to my cabin all my brothers was following me inside, I sighed knowing they would start asking question way to soon and I was to tired to answer any off them, but knew I would have to or I wasn't going to get to rest enough for tomorrow to help her again. "What happened?, Why were the two of you together?" at the last question my anger rose again and I spun around on them so fast they took a step back. "I.was.helping.our.mate.with.the.road." I gritted out between my teeth and spun around again stomping to my room and slamming my door shut again. They really were fucking idiots, thinking their bloody meetings will  help with our mate, I took a shower and then went to bed, to tired to eat anything and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.....  

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