Bright Eyes Mark

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Mark's POV

We just returned from the lake after talking to our... Um I suppose now ex mate, the others are not going to be happy about what we decided or the fact that we have excepted her previous rejection. Axel told Owen to call a meeting with all of his team members or brothers although after today don't know how long they will still be a team. It became obvious in the recent months that there was a big devide between all of them and I am not sure if Owen can fix it this time or if they will break apart. Sitting in our soon to be ex living room we are waiting for all of them to gather around. The tension in the room was thickening very fast as it became clear that what we had to talk about was not going to be in their favor. After everyone got their seats, Axel stood up in front off them and cleared his throat. "Me and my brothers have come to a decision about Kenzie" Axel looked around at all of them and the looks he received in return made it clear this wasn't going to en well.

Axel's stance change to devensive after taking in their expressions, "We have decided to go back to the castle and take back our potisions as king's" a very loud growl came from North, Sila's who was usually the one to calm him down wasn't doing any better than him. Axel just continued ignoring the growls, "We have already spoken to Kenzie and she is okay with it, we also excepted her rejection" it was chaos after Axel dropped that bom. The Blackbourn team members had to try and hold back North and Sila's from reaching Axel and ripping him apart. A massive growl that shook the whole cabin stopped all the chaos immediately, there at the door stood Kenzie with her hands on her hips and a very angry look on her face. My mouth was on the floor from the power that came of her, she walked in and stood in front of us facing the others. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" She asked them but from her voice it was cristal clear that her wolf was in control. Well shit this was going to be bad, North informed her what we just told them, she crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her a little.

Taking a step forward she growled lowly at them, I was looking around and saw the three that was helping her with their heads down as if they knew what was coming. "And why pray tell do you have such a big fucking issue with it?" She asked him with venom pouring out with every single word. Shocked at her attitude he stood there with his mouth open looking very close to a fish out of water, "None of you kept your promises you made me, NONE of you even tried to fix things between me and you" her arms coming down to her sides. She took another step forward making her only a few inches away from North's face, "Me and them are separating on good terms, but if you keep this up WE will not" she pointed around at all of them when she said "we". I have to say the defeated looks on their faces had me holding in a chuckle but only barely, North hung his head and took a step back from her knowing that this was the end for everyone involved.

She calmed down somewhat and gave them all a sad look, "Look it is obvious that we weren't meant to be, because if we were then none of this would have happened, this is for the best and I hope with all my heart you all find the right person for you and that you will be happy" with that said she turned around and left. We stood there in silence for a few more minutes when Axel cleared his throat again, "Well, we are leaving it is up to you whether you come back with us or not" and with that we retrieved our bags and started our journey back. I have to say the time we spend there had opened my eyes a lot, we are not the same men as we were before coming here and it to me is a good thing. Now we will be able to run our kingdom better, having a better understanding of how a lot of our people live who doesn't have the privilege of being rich, the people who really have to work to just stay alive from day to day. Maybe now we will be able to help those people instead of just ignoring the problem as we use to do....

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