Corey, Brandon and Raven

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Corey's POV

The journey home was going to take us a few days to achieve, I am still reeling from what just happened and my brothers were all quiet and subdued while we were walking. I know we did the right thing for all of us, but the uncertainty of our future and if we will get a second chance mate, was weighting heavy on my shoulders. Now I know I have Raven but we are still missing the last piece of the puzzle and I wasn't sure if we would ever get it now. Suddenly a big light showed in front of us halting us in our mission, a gorgeous woman stood there after the light faded and we could see again. "My children please don't be afraid, no need to be on the defensive, I am not here to hurt you" she smiled at us, her calming voice making us relax instantly. "Who are you?" Axel asked her after a few minutes, "I am the moon goddess my child and I am here to let you know that your real true mate will cross your paths soon and you all have finished my test for you" she smiled softly at us.

Very confused expressions was all around, "T..e..s..t?" I stumbled over my question, what did she mean test. A light giggle came from her the sound very familiar but I struggled to place were I heard it from. "Yes I, my sweet Corey having you believe that Kenzie was your mate was a test to all of you to see how you would handle such a strong and powerful woman, now granted you did mess up in the beginning but your decision to let her go and return to your rightful place on the thrones so you could help your people is what showed me how great the five of you will be when you find your true mate" she informed us still having the soft smile on her face. It then hit me why things didn't work out with Kenzie, it was because it was never meant to work out. The relief I felt in that moment was huge, for the first time in a very long time a smile grazed my lips, the feeling so odd but amazing. I was starting to feel like my old self again and now I couldn't wait to get back to the palace.

Brandon's POV

Well, shit so we were being tested and it seems we passed the moon goddess's test, no that felt truly amazing. Seeing the smile on my twins face made my shoulders sag in relieve and my heart fill with hope again. "Thank you moon goddess, we are truly grateful for all you have done" Axel bowed his head and the rest of us followed him. She laughed again and started moving back as the light from before returned and she was gone, we all looked at each other with smiles on our faces and decided to spend the night there in the clearing. After we made a camp for ourselves we all gathered around the fire to reflect on this last year and the lessons we learned from it, it was really nice to just spend time with my brothers and bond again. Something we really, really needed to do before we reached the castle, Corey and Raven was sitting very close to each other giving small shy smiles and whispering every now and then. It was good to seeing my brother this happy again, truly a blessing from the moon goddess herself.

Raven's POV

Having my light so close to me was so warming and great, I can't remember the last time we exually spend time together. I have missed him a great deal and couldn't wait for us to get back to our real home so that I could show him just how much I missed him. Just thinking about his body naked and under me was making me fucking hard, but I knew now wasn't the time for things like that. Not with were we are, not having any privacy at all was frustrating to say the least but at least tonight I could cuddle up next to him and have him in my arms. Never again will I let other things come between our love or our time together, I could only hope that our true mate will except us and love us for the way we are.....

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