Cleaning Up

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Ravens pov

She was just amazing; the power that came from her even had my wolf wanting to submit to her, he would lay down for her anytime and anywhere, panting in my head with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, I knew how he felt. Owen and Axel looked at each other shocked at how strong she is, they came out of their stupor and nodded their heads, they obviously came to an agreement about what to do next. Axel stepped forward and looked out at all the wolf's in front of him, "You heard what Alpha Kenny said now get out of our sight before we take you all back to the castle and hang you" he spoke in a loud angry voice, making everyone get up and run into the woods, the mothers had their children and the mated wolves kept their mates close to them. It was interesting to see that not one of the wolf's went with the grieving ex-Luna of their pack. I smirked knowing that if Owen and Axel went against what our mate said they would be in a hell of a lot of trouble so they made the right choice, just that thought had me growing hard and I didn't care who saw it. "Where the fuck are you guys? Did you get them out? "Gabriel's voice came into our minds, sounding panicked, damn that guy can start to panic over nothing very fast. We forgot to keep them informed of what was happening and finding our mate made us take a little longer than we normally would. I almost started laughing out loud; oh this is going to be fun. I can't wait to see our other brothers faces when they meet her.

"Where just cleaning up Mr Coleman, then we will be heading back, and yes we got them out and we're bringing someone with us so please prepare a room for our guest" Owen responded to him. At this we turned around and gathered all of our warriors so we can start the stretch back home. "Who the fuck are you fucking bringing with you? I thought you were going to sort everything out there? Is it a fucking man or woman? I need.... "We cut the mind link off knowing he would rant and rave the whole time if we let him, I definitely didn't want to have a headache before we got home. Owen stepped over to her, were she was watching everything going on with a cold look, " Will you please come with us to the castle my dear? " my mouth hanging open hearing him ask instead of commanding and he used the word please, not to mention he gave her a pet name already.

She looked at him with her head tilted to the side again, a gesture I realized she did when she was thinking. "Why?" she asked looking him straight in the eye with no emotion showing as usual. This threw him of a little not used to people questioning him, clearing his throat "Well you are our mate and it would only be right to have you with us and staying where we can keep you save" he replied in his usual stoic voice, stupid man should know that a female needed a softer touch. I was anxious at what her answer would be hoping she would not reject us and leave to who knows where. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, "I can take care of myself thank you, I don't need you keeping me save" she looked back up at him, her eyebrow raised. My heart plummeted to my stomach and I frowned down at the ground, "She won't reject us" my wolf tried to comfort me, "how do you know? " I asked him. Before he could answer me Axel stepped up to her, "We know you can sweet heart, but please give us and our wolfs a change, they would go crazy not knowing if you're alright or not" he spoke to her with a pleading voice and hope in his eyes.

Again I couldn't believe Axel was begging someone to do something, seeing Mark move a little, I looked over to him and saw the amusement and shock on his face as well, we barely knew this woman and she was changing us already. She seemed to be thinking for a little bit and then just nodded her head yes. My heart beat quickened and I couldn't take the huge smile of, of my face. "See I told you" my wolf yipped jumping up and down in happiness, he was being completely silly about our mate but I couldn't blame him for it. I just shook my head at him still smiling like a fool, today was one of the best days of my life. After we made sure everything was taken care of here we all started walking towards the forest, it was time to take our mate home to meet her other mates and see their reactions and hers when she realises she has even more mates, this was going to be so much fun. A few of them are going to be extremely happy while a few would try and fight it. This made me frown a little, I will not let them mess up this gift we were given. If they hurt this little warrior I will personally kill them, although I knew that if push came to shove my brothers would always come first, we have gone through to much together for it to be any other way, with my determination to keep her save set I concentrated on my surroundings, I made sure to walk close behind her, besides the view from here was truly amazing I could walk behind her always, I saw Mark walking in front of her, subconsciously we were protecting her without realising it. Let the fun commence, I snickered to myself, I couldn't wait.......

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