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Kenny's pov

It's been a few months since I came back to my old pack lands, the pack house was finally finished, but the work was far from done. I have been living in an old cabin situated deep into the woods of my territory, it was  rundown from no use but still livable for now. I woke up this morning with my back aching and my body feeling stiff, stretching out I climbed down to go and get ready for the day ahead. Something didn't seem right, every night I would have nightmares about things I don't remember happening ,I could never decipher if it was just dreams or real. It was as if my mind was trying to tell me something, like pieces are missing from my life, but how that is possible, I don't know. Going about my morning routine of washing up in the river and getting dressed in clean clothes, I thought of all the things that happened. After leaving the castle and them and coming back here, I went to the nearest town and bought myself a few items of clothing. I found money stashed under the floor of the attic room, although the roof was gone and the rest of the place pretty much in shambles the attics floor wasn't that badly damaged. I walked back to the pack house, feeling the familiar shiver run down my spine when the big house came into view. For some reason I can't get myself to sleep in there at night, just walking through the place made my skin crawl. It was stupid I know,  because I build the fucking place. I build it the exact same way it used to be and something about that just didn't sit right with me.

Standing outside looking up at the place that used to be my home another memory rushed through me.
*"Come here you fucking whore, you need to learn to stay away from men" my mother screamed at me while I was lying on the ground bleeding from a punishment she gave me just because one of the warriors said hello when I walked past him*
I snapped out of the memory with a gasp falling down on my knees,  my head felt like it was going to burst with all the memories  rushing through me, how the fuck did I forget every bad thing that was ever done to me in this place. Why would I want to revenge these people when all they did was hurt me?. I must have past out because when I woke up I was lying on the ground, I groaned getting up and the anger filling me was something  I have never felt before. For a year I grieved over these people I felt anger for what happened to them, while meanwhile they weren't even my family they treated me like shit. My body started shaking, one of the memories that stood out was the one where my mo.. No my, oh hell whatever she was screamed how I was a whore just like my mother was, even though I have never ever even kissed a boy before, with my mates we were taking things slow which means I still haven't had my first kiss yet. My wolf was roaring in rage and then I blacked out again. I was pushed to the back of my wolf's mind and blackness engulfed me.

This time when I came to I was still in my wolf form and the newly build pack house was destroyed to the ground, again, only this time even the structure was completely to the ground. An evil smile made its way on my face when I shifted back, standing naked in front of the ruins, feeling liberated and free for the first time in my life. The feeling was amazing and I spread my arms out straight next to me and tilted my head back with my eyes closed, the sun shining down on my face through the tree's. Now I will rebuild again but this time it will be completely different, I was still deciding whether I still wanted to start a new pack or just build a house for myself. I had enough of people stabbing me in the back and hurting me, by bringing in new people there were a chance of that happening again and I don't think I was ready for that yet. I need to get my life and myself sorted out first before I can have other people around me and take care of them.  So I decided with a home for myself and then I will take it from there, if new people came my way and they went through some test I will put them through then I might let them stay here and become my pack, I will not run my pack with fear like my father did. They will be loyal to me because of mutual respect and caring for each other and any one that went against it would not be allowed in my pack. This was my new beginning with out constant fear and humiliation or pain, now I am not naive at all, I am well aware that there was even more trying times ahead of me but at least this time around it will be on my terms and under my rules and regulations, not because I was being forced to do it by monsters. The smile on my face was refreshing, I can't remember how long it has been since I smiled a genuine smile, if ever. My wolf was at peace for the first time since we shifter and became one, she was laying down content and happy, a soft sigh leaving her lips every now and then. I could only shake my head and chuckle at her, feeling her happiness made me happy and I couldn't wish for anything more in my life right now than this, hopefully nothing would come and ruine it for us......

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