Moving Forward

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Time skip...... 
Kenny's pov

It's been a month now since I came to the castle and met all my mates, although nine of them accepted me, which in it self was remarkable after that first meeting, five is still acting very hard and brash towards me. Ignoring me when we were in the same room, never greeting me no matter the time of the day, always acting like I had the plague or something. It is driving me crazy not knowing why they are acting like they are, especially when two of them had acted differently in the beginning. Something is going to have to give with them, them treating me like I am the plaque is hurting my wolf and her anger towards them is rising, it's not easy walking around with your wolf constantly hurt and angry. I know from experience that she won't hesitate to rip them apart if this continues, mates or not. We have been through too much to let men like them hurt us like this, we won't allow it. I think it's time to have a meeting with all of them, if they still don't accept me then we will reject all of them and leave this place. I know what you are thinking, that how can she be so selfish to want all of them, why isn't she just happy with the ones she have. But I didn't choose to have fourteen mates, that was the moon goddess choice. I was happy to be alone with just my wolf as company, we will go back to my old pack lands and see if we could start a pack of our own. I am an alpha after all and sitting around here doing nothing was growing old very fast.

There is also the rule of the moon goddess that states clearly that if you have more than one mate all have to accept you or you have to reject all of them and you have to accept all of them as well, but the five is making it difficult for me to accept them. Living in this place with just nine of my mates and not the rest will in the long run kill my wolf. So it was for the best for all of us if I rejected all of them. I was sitting pondering over this when my body suddenly felt like it was on fire, I couldn't breathe and my wolf was howling in pain, I have never felt this kind of pain before. Just as this started to happen Sean came into my room and saw the state I was in. Then it was like my soul left my body and I was watching from above as my body was convulsing on the bed. I was pulled out of my room and trough the castle to the wing were the Toma team lived. Going through the door I saw all five of my mates busy with another she wolf, they were kissing and touching her and undressing her, it was obvious were this was going,, this was the last straw for me. Then I was back in my body and the pain has stopped, when I asked my wolf why, she said that she already rejected their wolfs and that it was the only way to stop what was happening to us, feeling dejected and hurt knowing she was just as hurt as me only amplified our feelings so I just nodded my head at her in understanding.

 "What is going on Kenny? Are you okay?" Sean asked me worry clear on his face when I finally sat up and breathed normally. " I need you to call a meeting with everyone please" I told him through gritted teeth and my fists clenched on my lap, I was close to giving control over to my wolve at this point and I needed him to leave or I might hurt him worse than I was already going to hurt him. He looked at me with concern and fear for most in his eyes, but after a few minutes he nodded and mind linked them all. " They will be waiting for you in the office in ten minutes, are you okay? " he asked me again. "No I am not okay, but will be after this meeting" I informed him and he gave me a small smile and left my room. While walking to the office I tried to get myself under control and calm down my wolf, to make sure she don't kill them as soon as she sees them, if they didn't want me then why didn't they just say so from the beginning, instead they kept me at arms length, not showing what they truly wanted. Walking into their office you could easily see how they were separated from one another. It was clear who accepted me and who didn't, the nine who did stood at one side of the room and the five who didn't stood at the other side. I knew they were all different people but I never thought that it would be like this, my heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces when I looked at the five who was just minutes ago with someone else. I truly hope they find what they are looking for in the woman they were with. This wasn't going to be fair to the others but there is no other choice in the matter, rules were rules and in this the rules could not be broken no matter how much we wanted to. My wolve was whimpering at what had to be done but also knew we had no other choice so she just curled up in the back of my mind waiting for this all  to be over with, I don't blame her for this knowing that if she didn't do this she would probably take over and hurt them badly if not kill them. Well this was going to hurt like a bitch but so be it.......

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