The Stoic Owen

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Kenny's Pov

Standing next to Owen after I just saw him completely naked was, well... umm... Very uncomfortable and warm if you know what I mean...  A few nights ago I had the strangest dream, that had my emotions in an all time high.

The dream

I was sitting by the lake at night watching the moons reflection on the water, the tree's seemed even more green and the water even more blue. Everything seemed so tranquil and soothing, like there was no worries in the world, as if nothing could harm you while your there. When a sudden light eluminated from the lake and became so bright I had to close my eyes for a minute, because it was hurting them. When I opened them again a beautiful woman stood in front of me, she was literally standing on the water and I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I was seeing right, this couldn't be right. She smiled at me softly and walked over to me now standing right in front of me, she had long black hair flowing down her back, with the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. "My child,  you seem really troubled" she whispered to me, her voice seemed familiar to me. Frowning I looked at her with confusion and awe. "Who are you?" I asked her trying not to freak out or show that she had any affect on me. She chuckled and sat down next to me taking my hand in hers, a warmth went through me at her touch. "I am the moon goddess my child, and I know what is troubling you" she smiled at me warmly. "Your afraid to let your mates get close to you, afraid to get hurt again" she squeezed my hand making me look at her with sadness on my face. "Yes I am,  they already hurt me once" I replied, feeling like I could be myself with her and didn't need to hide myself. "They won't my child and they will prove it to you if you give them a chance" she sighed as if all of this was a huge burden on her shoulders. "But there are so many of them, how will this work, won't they get jealous of each other?" I asked timidly, not afraid that she would think of me as weak. She chuckled again shaking her head, " No my sweet child they won't get jealous and it will work out in the end you will see, Kenny this is your destiny and you along with your mates will become legends in our world, don't keep them at arm's length any longer" she replied after a few seconds, but something in her voice and face was telling me that there were more to this than what she was telling me. Right after that she disappeared and everything around me returned to normal...
End of dream.

Her last words still ecoed around my head when I turned towards Owen finding his eyes already watching me. I cleared my throat "I will give this a try, you all gave me the space I needed to work through my issues and for that I am great full" I spoke in a soft whisper, trying to make him see I was telling the truth. The ever stoic man next to me let his guard down and the happiness I saw on his face made me realize I made the right decision. " I please hug you" he asked stuttering a little. I almost laughed when I saw how nervous he was but I held it in. Nodding my head yes, I felt his strong arms go around me and cradled me against his strong chest making me hear his strong heart beat, we both forgot that he was semi naked and just relished in being close to each other. My wolf was smiling and sighing happily at being in contact with her mate.

"There is only one condition I have for you Owen" I said with a small smile on my face, hoping this will go over well with him and not bring up the barrier he always had up around him.  I could hear his heart skip a beat at me saying his name. "What is that Ms McKenzie?" he asked sounding almost scared at what I would say next. Standing on my tiptoes I whispered in his ear quietly " You need to stop being so formal with me and your brothers Owen if we are going to be a family, you need to act like it" I informed him with hope rising inside me. He shivered with my breath caressing his ear and I was almost certain he groaned. I took a step back and smiled at him before walking back through the forest to my cabin. Leaving Owen standing there with shock on his face, the stoic impretion gone. Let's hope that it will stay that way and not return to before, the ball was in their court now and we will have to wait and see what will happen next. I could only hope that what the moon goddess told me in the dream were true, although there was still a part of me that had the feeling that she was hiding something from me. That feeling brought down my happiness just a notch, what could she be hiding that would make her look and sound so sad? What did she mean when she said that we would become legends? And why did it seem that she was talking about someone else and not the men that were with me now? Shaking my head at all the questions running through my head, well let's see were this goes and what is going to happen. Sighing I made my way back to the pack territory and my cabin, just enjoying the sound of the birds in the tree's and the leaves moving in the light breeze blowing through them......

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