Back in time

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Axel's pov

Our mate is so stunning but the power coming of her is indescribable, sometimes I feel like bowing down to her and that is scaring the shit out of me, I am an Alpha for fuck's sake and a king, I don't submit to anyone. I have watched her with my brothers and the Blackbourn team and it is obvious how enchanted they are with her, even with her cold exterior, they are acting like love sick puppies. Although she still seems to be holding herself back from all of us. Since I was young, I always dreamed of having my mate next to me. I never dreamed that I would have to share her with thirteen other men. It was only after a long time that it became apparent that we all would share a mate in the future, that was when it was just my team but now having combined with the Blackbourn team, I find it a little harder to know I have to share her with them as well. the jealousy would break us apart and my brothers seemed oblivious to this. It all seems so unreal, I know I am being selfish but I wanted more time with my mate, not just every now and then.

Don't get me wrong, I love them as much as I love my own team, but I just couldn't get my head around how this will work. There is only one of her and fourteen of us, I honestly don't think this could work. So that is why I called my team in for a meeting so that we could discuss it and maybe we could come up with a way for this to work, if not then we will have to distance ourselves from her and maybe find someone else who would work better for the five of us and the Blackbourn team could have her for themselves.

My team gathered together in our own private living room waiting for me to start our meeting. "I asked you all to be here to get your feelings on our mate and the fact that we have to share her with the others" I looked around at them and they were frowning down at the carpet. Brandon was the only one who was looking around at all of us. "Me, I personally think it's a load of bullshit, why do we have to share her and how in the hell is this going to work" he voiced his feelings and it seemed I wasn't the only one who had reservations about this. Raven was jumping up from his seat in anger, "What the fuck do you mean this is bullshit?" he roared at Brandon. "She is our fucking mate we will make it do" he was still screaming. "It's make it work not do Raven" Mark told him with a eye roll. "Da same" Raven glared at Mark. Raven was doing a lot better with how he talked but sometimes when he was angry like now, he would revert back to getting somethings wrong.

"Does anyone else feel the same as Brandon about this? " I asked the rest of my brothers, " No I don't, I feel the same as Raven, we will make it work" Corey replied to my question and put his hand on Ravens shoulder, giving him a loving smile, they have always had each other's backs, even before they declared their love for one another. Raven sat back down and took Corey and put him on his lap, sniffing his neck to calm down. Mark agreed with them whole heartily, but I was still not convinced this could work. "I agree with Brandon and are struggling to see how this could work but we have to vote on whether we will be a part of this or not" I sighed when Raven started to curse a stream again. "Enough" I told him firmly, "Raven you know how this works if we aren't all in agreement on something then we pull out" He slumped down on his seat nodding his head in understanding. Still very angry at us for this but we have been brothers for years and always put us first before anyone else, I know that he will probably hate us for this in the future but if we found someone else, he will get over this in time.

All three of them weren't happy but they knew we would break as a team if any of us decided to go against the others. "So I propose that we distance ourselves from her and let the Blackbourn team have her as their mate and to do this we need to let her think that we were unfaithful to her, it's the only way" I informed them and although reluctantly they agreed, Raven looked ready to murder someone, he didn't want to hurt our mate  but gave a single nod with his head and took Corey to their room, leaving the rest of us to ourselves and our thoughts. It will all work out, I told myself, firmly believing that I was doing the right thing for all of us. Mark got up and stormed out our part of the wing, probably going to his coffee shop to work of some steam and wrap his head around what we just decided. My wolf was growling angrily at me in my head, screaming at me that I was making a huge mistake, but I shut him out and stood firm with my decition, I wasn't going to back down and I wasn't going to lose my brothers over a woman who can't even show any kind of emotion. We already had Owen with his stoic stick up the ass attitude we didn't need another person who was the same. She is suppose to be the Queen but I couldn't see her in that role with the attitude she had. I didn't know at that time how I would also be fucking things up for the others not just us......

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