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Kenny's pov

When the hunk of a man asked me for my name I hesitated only for a few seconds, my wolf has been screaming in my head about all four of them being my mates but I ignored her. I couldn't have a mate as I was destined to die after I kill the son of a bitch alpha. She tried to tell me something but I blocked her out, not wanting to get my hopes up of a happier life. That was why I decided to give them my name, I had nothing left to lose. "It's Kenny, Kenny McKenzie alpha of the extinct White Moon pack" I answered him with my head held high and shoulders straight. The shock and disbelief on their faces almost made me laugh, but the sadness of my words stopped that in its track, if I don't die after this is over I will be pack less with nowhere to go. "W..w.. WHAT? "The one with mismatched eyes almost screamed my ear off making me wince a little and rub my ear, geeze did he have to so fucking loud, werewolf hearing here dude, just because he was cute didn't mean i wouldn't rip him a new one.

"How, we thought everyone in that pack was killed a year ago? "Silver eyes asked me his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and suspicion, not believing me. I grinded my teeth and looked at the alpha, "Yes, they were, except me the first born daughter of the alpha of the white moon pack, I was only spared and taken hostage by this piece of shit because he wanted me as his toy" I answered him looking back at him and his brothers, to see if he still didn't believe me. "The minute your father was killed you became the alpha because if I am correct you mother couldn't give your father a son for many years until a few years ago that is" silver eyes stated looking at me still with confusion on his face. I tilted my head a little and raised my right eye brow telling him to continue. He cleared his throat, "then why didn't you kill him? You are obviously strong enough to do so, so why didn't you?" he asked me with a raise of his own eyebrow.

At this I did laugh, but not one filled with humour, this only made him furrow his brows together. "Because Mr silver eyes, I wasn't interested in becoming this awful packs alpha and neither did I want to die before I had a chance at getting my revenge on each and every one that had a hand in killing my family and pack" I told him the laughter gone from my voice. You could see them being even more confused, I rolled my eyes at them and huffed again, were all males as stupid as these were? I wandered to myself.

"When he took me he had a witch help him to suppress my wolf and my strength, I was paralyzed while he made me watch my people die while I could do nothing to help them and when the effects wore off after I was put in the dungeon the dam witch disappeared and I couldn't find out where she went" I explained to them. The light bulb went off over their heads and a look of complete and utter sadness took the place of confusion, finally they believed me. "I understand that little warrior but why would you think you would die, I mean even though she disappeared you could still have killed the alpha and whomever of his warriors was with him that night but why would you die? " the sexy man who offered me a fruit cup asked.

I looked him up and down assessing how I would word my next words, and then I decided to just be blunt already knowing he would do the same. "I am without a pack and killing him leaving this pack without an alpha would have made me a rouge and people like you would hunt me down and kill me" I answered his question, feeling irritated by their lack of knowledge on this subject, fuck they are the kings, the ones who made that damn rule so how in the fuck did they not know what I was talking about. The other hotness who almost strangled the alpha shook his head and decided to finally say something, it seemed he finally had something to say after staying quiet the whole time.

"Who told you that? Him? "He pointed to the alpha, the bain to my existence, the one person I couldn't wait to kill. I only nodded my head slowly yes to see if they would get the fucking memo alread but the fury that came over him again was astonishing to see, it made him look even more sexy if that was even possible. He walked up to me and put his finger under my chin, the shocks and tingles running through me from his touch almost made my knees weak, but I held myself up not showing how I was affected by them, I learned not to show any kind of weakness even if they were my mates, i wasn't going to take the change and be hurt again. He lifted my chin to make me look up at him, "That my sweetheart is a load of bullshit, you did not abandon your pack nor were you kicked out of your pack which makes you a lone wolf not a rouge, and if you did kill him you would have had the right to choose someone else to be their alpha if you didn't want the title" the implications of his words took a few seconds to register in my mind, so i could have killed him a long time ago and would have been fine, I basically went through all that hell for fucking nothing. To say I was beyond furious was an understatement.......

Alpha McKenzie Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now