Angry North

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North's pov

I watched as Kota came out of our mates cabin and walked over to Owen and Sean's cabin, the frown on my face was deep and the confusion of why he was there was burning in my chest, I struggled to keep my anger under control. Storming over to them after I watched Kota enter their cabin, I wanted to know why he got to speak to her but we didn't, it felt unfair towards us seeing as we were the one's to come after her first and they fucking only followed a few weeks later, yet she is speaking to them but not us. Barging into the cabin I found them sitting in their living room seeming to be having a meeting, this made my blood boil even more. "What the fuck is going on here, since when do you have meetings without the rest of us?" I growled at them. Owen stood up from his seat with a ice cold look in his eyes, normally I would flinch when it was directed at me but not this time, we are not at the castle anymore and here he is no longer the leader of our group, to me our mate is my alpha and I will only bow to her.

Arching my eyebrows at him I folded my arms over my chest and pushed my shoulders back to show him he is no longer intimidating me. Kota's face showed shock and Sean narrowed his eyes at me, "Well, you going to fucking answer me?" I growled again between clenched teeth. Owen cleared his throat, "Why does it seem that something has changed here North?" he asked with a little confusion in his voice but his face still in that ever stoic expression. Tilting my head to the left a little my eyebrow still arched I took a step forward, "Yes, things have changed Owen, we are no longer kings at the castle, YOU are no longer the leader of our group and the three of you having private meetings with out the fucking rest of us when it obviously has something to do with OUR mate doesn't fucking sit well with me" I sneered at him taking another step closer to him. Sean got up as well and moved over to us slowly, "What's going on North? Why are you acting like this and saying these things?" he asked with a hurt look on his face.

Turning my attention over to him I glared at him, "Maybe because its the truth Sean and maybe because YOU three as our leaders didn't do fucking shit to stop the Toma team from fucking things up with our mate in the first place or fucking stopping her from leaving and hurting her even more by stopping the rest of us from running after her that day, we could have been happy already with her but NOOO YOU thought it was best to let her go" I almost screamed at them. I turned back towards Owen to see the hurt I just caused to flash over his face. Slightly regretting going off like that I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest again when I felt a small hand on my shoulder and the electricity shooting down my arm, I spun around to see our mate standing there radiating with anger all over her body and face. I flinched and bowed my head, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" she growled making her power wash over us and me falling to my knees. "It was just a little misunderstanding between us, sorry if we disturbed you" Owen straightened his tie while addressing our mate.

She looked at me and raised her brow, I knew I couldn't lie to her so I got up from the ground with my head still bowed, "We were arguing about what happened at the castle" I spoke in a soft voice which shocked every one in the room except her. She nodded her head and then sighed, "You guys need to sort out the trouble between you all if we are going to try and make things work" she shocked me again. I looked around the room confused and saw Kota shaking his head in disbelieve, my shoulders sagged and I nodded my head at her in understanding. She left us alone again and outside all of our brothers had gathered to see what was going on, "Every one please come inside, it seems there is a lot we should talk about" Owen addressed them all and moved back into the living room. We all gathered around and I stood with my arms folded over my chest against the back wall, Silas came and stood next to me. "This is going to be very interesting" I mumbled under my breath and Silas only chuckled lowly.........              

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