Serious Nathan

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Nathan's pov

We have finished our homes the day before and decided to take a break for today, we haven't seen too much of our mate these last few days. She seems to be busy with her own little project and we have no idea what she is doing, but she leaves early in the morning and only comes back late in the evenings. I have been getting restless and wanted this waiting period to be with our mate to be over, it's not like it is our fault for what the Toma team did to her so I couldn't understand why we were being punished for their shit. Some of the other's have talked to her a little bit and from what they told us it seemed that she was coming around to give us a second chance. I scoffed at my own thoughts, yeah and then she just stopped talking to even them and started disappearing for the whole day leaving us feeling utterly confused at what was going on. It was starting to get dark again when she came out of the forest like the day's before and walked to her home with out even sparing us a glance.

I have had enough of her ignoring us and decided to get up and go confront her about it, I know my brothers are going to be beyond pissed at me for this but we can't go on like this any more. Walking fast I came up the her just as she opens up her door and turns around to look at me with one eyebrow raised. " I want to talk to, if you have the time for me that is" I said with a hint of sarcasm behind my words. As soon as her face went blank I knew I fucked up but just shrugged internally and waited for her to go inside so we could have our "talk", she just nodded and stiffly walked into her kitchen and went to stand in front of her zinc with her back to it, giving me a look that said "So talk". I cleared my throat and crossed my arms over my chest and took a deep breath, "What is going on with you? I thought you were going to give us a chance?, but all you have been doing these last few day's is ignore us" I rambled on.

She tilted her head to one side still looking at me with the same blank look and stepped away from the zinc, she started walking forward and I thought she was walking over to me, but man was I wrong. She walked back over to the door and opened it up, nodding with her head for me to leave, still not saying anything or showing any kind of emotion. I opened my mouth to say something but the growl that came from her then made it clear that I royally fucked up. I left out of the door faster than you can say "shit", the door slammed shut behind me so hard the whole building shook. I looked back at her cabin in shock of what just happened and it took a few minutes for me to  gather myself and turn around walking back to my brothers who all stood with angry faces waiting for me to explain to them what just happened. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets and went up to them with my head hanging and looking at the ground. "Report" Owen barked at me, my heart dropped even further into my stomach knowing that what was coming is not going to be good. 

Huffing I explained to them what I did and what the end result was, to say that the most vocal of my brothers was screaming at me for quote "FUCKING UP OUR CHANCES WITH HER" my  anger got the best of me and I screamed back at them. "YOU ARE ALL FUCKING DELUTIONAL" this quieted them down and Owen growled at me with menace making me take a step back and showing my neck in submition to him. "We promised her to give her as much space as she needs to forgive us as well as showing her that we would do ANYTHING to show her that we DESERVE her forgiveness and YOU just FUCKED UP all our hard work we have been doing with her" he growled out at me. My mouth was hanging open, Owen has never cursed in all the years I have known him. He was most definitely beyond angry at what I have done. Luke cleared his throat and my eyes snapped to him, "I have been following her these past few days and she has been working this whole time on clearing a road through the forest, which means she wasn't axially ignoring us but was just really to tired to be able to spend any amount of time with us, if you saw the heavy rocks she had to move and the amount of trees big and small she has been clearing you would understand just how tired she really was at night" he informed me with all the anger he was feeling towards me. Well, fuck now I was really feeling like a stupid dum fuck.....     

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