Arriving Part (Two)

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Others Pov:

Mark pov

I was laughing so hard my stomach was even cramping from it, leave it to our brothers to make such an extremely elegant entrance. Getting over my laughing fit I looked to Kenny to see her reaction, she had her head tilted to the side and one eyebrow lifted, but no other emotion showed on her face. I sighed deeply, wondering what it's going to take to put a smile on her face. I know she has been through a lot and we were strangers to her, but I could only hope we could break down those extremely thick walls she had surrounding her, it was going to take time but I believed it was completely worth it...

Ravens pov

Shaking my head at my brothers I took a look at Mark who had a frown on his face while looking at Kenny, I wonder what's bothering him. Corey cleared his throat and was rubbing the back of his neck with a blush on his cheeks, man he looked hot when he blushed like that. The two idiots who finally got up from the floor came and stood next to him, looking just as embarrassed as him, it was obvious they were waiting for us in excitement by how fast they came down the steps and my lovely Corey was watching the cameras, no one knew how sneaky he could be at times and that made me smile at him, all they ever saw was the nerdy guy that was to absorbed in his computers, but I knew better.....

Axel's pov

Well this was not the way we had in mind to introduce her to them, leave it to Luke and Gabriel to make complete fools of themselves. Sighing I turned to Owen whose face was blank as always. "Why don't we go into a more private setting and get the other brothers here as well before we make the introductions?" nodding my head in the direction of our offices. Owen just gave a nod in the affirmative and we started walking down the hall with Kenny in between us and the idiots following behind, you could feel the anticipation in the air, as well as Gabriels anger at us for shutting him out of the mind link earlier....

Owen's pov

The office doors were closed but we didn't need to knock knowing our brother Kota was working inside. This was already not going the way Axel and I talked about, we opened the door and stepped inside. Kota was behind his desk working hard as always, but what threw me a little was finding Nathan and Victor in here with him. Working just as hard as him, I felt guilty at giving Kota all the paperwork to do when we had to leave sometimes, but he was the only one I could count on to do it right, you could feel Nathan's irritation with us and I didn't blame him one bit....

Kota's pov

This amazing smell hit me just after the door opened, it smelled like lavender with just a mix of rose and coffee in it. I looked up and found Owen and Axel standing just inside the office doors watching us. But my attention quickly went to the person standing in-between them. My breath left me when my eyes connected with the most beautiful blue green eyes, the haunted look in them ripped me out of my daze. My wolf was going crazy screaming "Mate" over and over; I didn't even realize that I had gotten up, "Who hurt mate" my wolf growled in my head, "I don't know" I answered back, "We will kill them" he snarled and I could only agree, but now wasn't the time for us to lose our cool, we needed to stay calm and focused....

Nathan's pov

I was dumb struck at the beauty before me, it was obvious that she was our mate especially with my wolf screaming it over and over in my head. I couldn't say anything or even move, they walked further inside and asked her to take a seat, but she shook her head in the negative and went to stand by the window looking out. A throat cleared and I saw some of my brothers also coming in, why did it feel like she didn't acknowledge us as her mate, this made my wolf whimper and made me angry. What were we not good enough for her, or did she want someone higher up than us?, well she was shit out of luck on that one....

Victor's pov

Something was wrong with this picture, wasn't it supposed to be a happy day because we found our mate? Then why was everyone standing around with frowns on their faces? Except for Luke, Gabriel and Corey, they just looked embarrassed about something. Our mate was gorgeous and most definitely strong from the power I could feel coming from her. We were only waiting for the last three brothers to arrive and then we would have a meeting I presumed, she seemed closed off for some reason and that worried me a little, Nathan had a big scowl on his face while looking at her, crap things doesn't look like it's going to go to well with this meeting....

Kenny's pov

"Fuck" I screamed inside my head, how the hell did it happen that I had this many mates? I could feel a headache coming on with my wolf jumping up and down like a dam kid in a candy store, she was being a complete slut right now. Well, I guess you could say to her it was almost the same, because I am not going to lie they are extremely handsome each and every one of them. I blocked my wolf of when she went even more crazy after three more men joined our group. "OH fucking hell" I groaned to myself, seriously more mates what the ever fucking hell moon goddess? I thought to myself.... 

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