Her song

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Owens pov

We were almost done with the houses around her cabin, Gabriel was just doing his last decorating so it would fit each person completely. It took us a month of building to complete the seven houses which will house two of my brothers in each. Me and Sean would be sharing one, Axel and Mark in one, North and Silas together, Luke and Gabriel together, Raven and Corey together, Nathan and Kota in one and Brandon with Victor in the last one. We were all tired, feeling it in every part of our bodies and in our emotions. Everyone's spirits was down because we  only saw our mate now and then in the last month.

She kept pretty much to herself while we were completing the accommodations for everyone, but it was taking its toll on all of us.  Our wolves needed to see her to know that she was save and taken care of, they were slowly going bonkers at not seeing her. It was driving us crazy and keeping us from much needed sleep. They understood why we couldn't have her in our arms yet but that didn't make it easier on them. I needed to go for a run to get rid of my anxiety and irritation of this situation. I went into the woods and stripped down naked making sure no one saw me.

Transforming into my wolf felt amazing and freeing, I darted of through the woods sniffing every now and then to make sure there wasn't any rouges around. We didn't have an incident again after killing the other ones a month ago. I came closer to the lake that was on my mates property and skidded to a stop, ears pointed straight up to listen. Something drew my attention almost immediately, I was just trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from. The most amazing sound came from the lake a voice so soft and soothing my wolf purred from it and for the first time in a long while my wolf was calm. I moved closer very quietly not wanting to spook who ever was singing that amazing song.

My heart beat like crazy in my chest when I saw my mate sitting on the side of the lake looking as beautiful as ever singing out to the forest. Small and big animals were standing close to her almost like they were in a trance hearing her sing, they took soft careful steps closer and closer to her, as if they were afraid she would stop singing. I couldn't blame them one bit because I was feeling exactly the same. Without noticing my actions I shifted back into my human form and walked closer to her, standing only a few feet away from her.  The song came to an end and she stood up dusting herself off, turning around and look looking straight at me. I didn't even notice the animals running of back into the woods leaving us completely alone.

My breath hissed when her eyes went from mine and down to my body,  I froze completely when I saw her eyes darken with lust the further they went down. Only realising I was completely naked when she gasped as her eyes landed on my very naked manhood standing proud and strong for everyone to notice just how much she affected me and my wolf was rolling around in my head laughing his ass of at my stupidity. Blushing slightly I cleared my throat to bring her attention back to my face, although I couldn't help but feel proud at her reaction towards me. The look in her eyes and on her face aswell as the smell of her arousal was a huge boost to my ego. She snapped her eyes back to mine blushing very red at being caught checking me out. I wanted to smirk feeling proud of how se acted at my naked body,  but I didn't want to scare her away.

My wolf was howling in my head with happiness at seeing his mate after so long and snickered at my embarrassment for being so oblivious to being naked. I just rolled my eyes internally at him and focused back on my mate. She had turned around with her back to me,  "Mind putting some clothes on there" she mumbled in a slightly husky voice, hiding her beautiful face from me. I ran back to the forest and threw some clothes on in a hurry then went back to her. Standing close to her, we just looked out at the lake in silence,  me wondering what was going on in her head, hoping really hard that I didn't screw things up for us by being so oblivious to my actions. That song and her voice will get me in trouble for sure and if she kept looking at me the way she was before, I don't think I would have been able to keep my wolf under control any longer and would have ended up marking her right there and then. Glancing at her from the corner of my eye, I saw her looking back out on the lake with a serene look on her face. She truly didn't know how beautiful she was and what an amazing woman she was. I could only hope that we can work things out and become the mates that she needs and deserves. Because if we lost such a treasure as her, I don't know if our wolf's would be able to handle it very well. It's just a shame that we had to go through all of this so early in our relationship and that she was hurt because of some of us. Axel and his team better start making things right with her or my brothers and I are going to rip them to shreds. It would really mean the end of our friendship if they fucked this up for us even more than they already have.

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