Oh Hell

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Kenny's pov

Another week has gone by and working around the clock, my log cabin was finally finished, I was really proud of myself for all that I have accomplished by myself. Now I can move on to my next project, which is building a thick ten feet wall around the property, that is definitely going to take awhile. My territory wasn't small by any means, so building such a wall all by myself was going to take some time and real hard work.  At least I could take a few days and rest a little, my wolf was getting more and more restless as the days past by, she wouldn't tell me what was going on, but it was starting to get on my nerves, it was starting to interfere with my work. I had just finished cleaning myself up in my new bathroom when she growled loudly in my head, someone was on my territory and that annoyed me to no end... 

I walked out of my bathroom after getting dressed and down the hall to the outside porch, I held my breath when I saw the four men standing in front of me with duffel bags over their shoulders. They looked tired, like they had run for days on end without resting. I folded my arms over my chest and leaned against the porch pole watching them to see what their next move would be. I truly had no issue with ripping them apart and burning their fucking bodies if they even tried to get me to go back. Silas stepped forward one step and cleared his throat, "We are here to pledge our allegiance to you and hope, you would give us a chance to show you that we are worthy to be your mates" he said and went down bowing his head at me in surrender. Now that was truly shocking to see a big burly guy like him on his knees submitting to a measly female like me. The memories that came back to me awhile ago had done a number on my self esteem, but I was working through it day by day.  

Luke,  Gabriel and North all stepped forward one step and did the same as Silas. I watched them still from my position, deliberating with my wolf if she thought this was some kind of joke or ploy to get me to soften up.  She informed me that she had talked to their wolfs and they were sincere in offering their allegiance to me.  I nodded my head and walked down to stand in front of them, "it's not that easy, you are kings, you can't just leave that behind and start over as less in another pack" my voice was hard.  I know they weren't among the ones that had hurt me and my wolf, but I wasn't allowed to choose just some of my mates if you had more than one. I had to be hard on them to make them understand what the consequences will be if they decided to go forward with this. We didn't hate them so I didn't want to put them in danger when the council found out about them deserting their duties. All of them got up, but North was the one to speak next, "We know what the consequences are of what we are doing, and we don't care,  you are our mate, you might have rejected us and we completely understand why you did, but we didn't accept the rejection so we are still your mates and will not leave your side ever again " he said looking me in the eye with his normal scowl on his face and determination in his eyes. He really believed the words that came out of his mouth.

Well shit, I wasn't expecting that to be his response, I spoke with my wolf again and looking around at the tree's around us, trying to think of how I was going to handle this, this wasn't something I expected to happen, I didn't think I would ever see them again. After a couple of minutes I looked back to them seeing them waiting patiently for me to give them an answer. Nodding my head yes again, I folded my hands behind my back, straightened my shoulders and looked them straight in the eye. "OK.....  But this will not be easy, you will be tested and you will go through trials I will give you to see if you are exualy fit to be my mates,  and if you pass we can look at how we would go about the laws that the moon goddess set out about multiple mates, but if you don't pass the test, you will leave here to never return again" Luke was smiling from ear to ear, North had a determined look on his face along with Silas, Gabriel was smiling just as big, but there were some fear in his eyes. Oh hell, this was going to be so much fun, they won't know when I will test them or how, it will only be at the end when they will know whether they past the test's or not. Maybe this won't be such a bad thing, to have a few guys around here will make this place have at least more life now than it has had in the last month, it will mean more protection as well, not that I need it but it wouldn't hurt to have extra. Who knows maybe things will work out in the end or maybe it won't only time will tell how this is going to work, if it doesn't, well atleast we gave it a good try and didn't give up to fast or to easily. I had know idiea whether the moon goddess would aprove or not but she must of had a reason for choosing them for me and bringing them back into my life again or they wouldn't be here to begin with.. 

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