The Others

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Gabriel's pov

This was driving me crazy; I had to prepare a fucking room for someone I didn't  even know the gender of, were they fucking serious right now. Why couldn't they just tell me the fucking gender, I huffed while preparing the room with just the basics, when I was done I didn't feel like the room was right, but not knowing much about the person, it left me with few choices in the matter. The room seemed dull and lacking and even my wolf closed his eyes with his paws not to look at it, I just huffed and left the room because it was hurting my eyes, they were going to pay for this....

Luke's pov

I was smiling at Gabe while he buzzed around a guest room, he was obviously frustrated by our brother's small amount of information they gave him, I haven't seen him this worked up in awhile. We were all connected to the mind link when he contacted our brothers and got the message to get the room ready and to say we were all intrigued by it was an understatement. He looked ready to murder someone and I could only laugh at how disgusted he looked when he was done with the room, always the perfectionist when it came to decorating and taking care of everyone.....

North's pov

Why in the hell was my brothers being so secretive about the guest we were going to have? I wondered while stomping of to the training grounds, I needed to get out some of the frustration I was feeling at them. Why were they bringing someone here in any case it's not something they usually did, none of us ever brought someone to the castle, not even woman when we had one night stands. This just didn't make any sense to me and to say I was beyond frustrated was an understatement, I needed to pummel someone or something before I lose my shit completely...

Sean's pov

Now this was interesting, Owen almost sounded smug in the mind link, he never sounds smug ever. So whoever they were bringing with was most definitely going to surprise us all. He mind linked me privately asking me to have my things ready so I could take a look at our mystery guest when they arrived just to make sure everything was okay. I shook my head and went on with my rounds at the hospital, getting everything I will need ready, I might be one of the kings but I will always be a doctor first and taking care of people and their health is always a first priority for me.....

Silas's pov

I chuckled at North who was being even more grumpy than usual, which was obvious from how hard he was training the new group of soon to be warriors. He hates it when he is left in the dark about something always the control freak, always needing to know what was going on with all of us. I just stood at the side of the training ring smiling at the pups that looked like they were going to drop dead from exhaustion, if he didn't real himself in very soon we might not have any pups to train in the future, some of them even looked like they were going to piss their pants.....

Nathan's pov

I just shrugged after hearing the mind link, not thinking about it much. There was too much work to be done and no one seemed interested in helping Kota with all the paperwork that needed to be done. I and Victor were the only ones who were helping get the work done; I huffed in frustration at my brothers for being idiots and not realizing how much they were putting on his shoulders and now they are all preoccupied with some mystery person it was just pathetic, they should really start to get their heads out of their fucking asses........

Kota's pov

My head was starting to hurt from all the reading I have been doing to try and get the work done before our brothers arrived with the mystery guest. Victor and Nathan were trying to help me get the work done and I could only hope that whoever this person was, that they didn't bring trouble to our home, and I sure as hell hoped we wouldn't be pilling on even more paperwork, we had to many as it is, sighing I kept my head down pushed through with the work.....

Victor's pov

Poor Kota was working himself to the bone and the end of all the work doesn't even seem to be close. Nathan was most definitely angry at our brothers for not helping, but they had their heads up their asses with this guest that was coming, that had me irritated as well. I sighed while I took the next piece of paper to go through; this was going to be a looonnggg day by the looks of it and I didn't know how Kota can do this every day, my respect for him only grew.....

Brandon's pov

I decided to spend the day at the garage me and North owned together, there was a few bikes that needed to be finished and I needed to stay busy to not dwell on what was going on, the feeling of excitement was bubbling inside me and I couldn't understand why, but I had a feeling that whoever they were bringing was going to change our life's for ever.....

Cory's pov

I was in the control room of our security around the castle, pretending to upgrade our security system, I knew I was being sneaky but my curiosity was just too strong. My eyes were watching the cameras, hoping to be the first to get a glimpse of our mystery guest when they arrived later. I almost snickered out loud at my own thoughts, but held it in knowing the guards around me would think I was crazy, and finally losing my shit....

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