Leader Axel

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Axel's POV

Our mate has stopped working. On the road for now and seem to be concertrating on the area around her house and our cabins. She with the help of Luke, Victor and Gabriel have been chopping down trees and clearing big areas, cleaning them as if they were going to build even more of cabins around us. Today I decided to take my team one side to talk to them, I know they are not going to be happy with what I have to say but there is no other choice in what we have to do. Things can't continue the way they are, none of us are happy and it was obvious our mate wasn't happy as well. Together we walked to the lake were we could talk things through without the others hearing or butting in to our meeting. I could feel the apprehension coming from my brothers but it was time I took me head out of my ass and became the leader I use to be and even if they hate me for some time about what I decided then so be it. They can just build a bridge and get over it.

Arriving at the lake we all sat down on the grass in a circle facing each other, for a few minutes we sat in silence while I figured out how to say what I needed to say. "We have been here for almost a year now and it seems nothing has changed in all this time" I held my hand up when some of my brothers wanted to argue. "I know that this time it wasn't our fault, but I also know that we can't continue like this anymore" I looked around at all my brothers. They had defeated looks on their faces because they knew I was right about this. "We have a decision to make, are we going to continue like this or are we throwing in the towel and go back to our posts at the castle, before you go off on me just hear me out please, I will not make a dicide anything without the rest of you, not again" I hang my head after that and waited for them. Mark put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "We are with you brother and will hear you out" he said after I lifted my head and looked at them. They all gave me reassuring smiles and that made my heart feel warm at the love my brothers still had for me.

"Thank you, a few days ago a messenger was sent to us, no one knows about him because I went to meet him away from here" I informed them, they nodded their heads showing me that they were listening. "Things at the castle aren't going so well, apparently the new guys they chose to take over from us aren't copping so well with everything, to put it shortly everything is going to shit" the shock on my brothers faces was almost comical if the situation wasn't so dire. "I don't want to hurt our mate again just as much as you but I know I can't just sit back and let everything we worked our whole life's so hard for go to runes as well" they all agreed on this with me. "Then what do we do about this?" Corey asked in an soft unsure voice. "You go back and take back what rightfully belong to you" a clear soft voice spoke from behind me.

Our mate came walking over to us, none of us even knew she was anywhere near us. I got up and turned to her showing her my feelings on all this and the complete and utter sadness I was feeling at doing this to her again. She just smiled softly at me when she came and stood in front of me, she took her hand and palmed my cheek, "It's okay Axel, you have to do this, to many people are counting on you all to look after them and keep them safe, I knew this was coming at some point and I will be okay I promise" she told me with a soft look on her face. The truth of what she was saying was clear on her face, man how can a woman who is as badass as she is still be this caring as well. My brothers came to stand next to me and behind me with the same look of awe on their faces. "You know this means that we will have to accept your rejection right?" I asked her still feeling somewhat unsure about this. She just chuckled and nodded her head, "Yes Axel I know what this means, do I wish things were different, off course I do, but I also can't be selfish when I know so many people need you more than I do, so go and be the king's you were meant to be" she spoke with a small soft smile on her face. I smiled back at her and releasing a breath I accepted her rejection and the bond between us snapped completely. The relief I felt after the pain disappeared was amazing. Well then it's back to running the castle and all other packs for me and my brothers.....

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