Trickster Luke

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Luke's pov

For a week Victor was the only one going out and helping our mate with the work on the road in the woods. I still don't understand why she wants a road build but I am sure she has her reasons for it. Today I decided to say screw my brothers, I was going to go help them. My brothers had this stupid idea in their heads that our mate will come to us and ask for help with the work that needs to be done, Yeah their stupid for sure. Only shaking my head at them I get up and walk out of our main cabin alongside Victor. He gave me a strange look with the question in his eyes that says, "What are you doing?" I just shrugged my shoulders and kept on walking forward. Reaching the site they have been working on it was obvious that they came pretty far with it already, Yeah they were most definitely not going to ask for help. Rolling my eyes I almost sniggered at my own thoughts, our mate was already there and gave me the same confused look Victor gave me but I only gave her a big smile.

We started working and the day seemed to fly by, it soon became late and we ended our work day and went home. I have to say it was truly amazing working with the two of them, it sure was a heck of a lot better than sitting home bored out of my mind. We reached back home soon enough and all our brothers was standing on the porch glaring at me and Victor. This time I did snigger and shook my head at how immature they were acting about this whole thing. All I knew was that today me and Victor got a lot closer to our mate and it was clear that if my brothers didn't get their heads out of their asses very soon we were going to lose her permanently. Kenzie walked of towards her home but the look of disappointment and hurt in her eyes when she looked at them wasn't missed by me or Victor. I sighed and with my head down I walked past them inside, It didn't take them long to follow us. Some were grumping under their breaths and other were right out growling. "We need to talk Mr Taylor Sr" Mr B said as I was going into the living room, but I just ignored him and sat down on my space in the living room. Victor came and sat down next to me with a huge sigh leaving him, we were both beyond exhausted after the day and so not in the mood for one of his lectures.

"You have deliberately ignored our wishes Mr Taylor, care to explain why you did?" He asked me with his arms folded over his chest and a piercing gaze at me. He knew not to talk to Victor about it because Victor would just get up and tell them to "Just build a bridge and get over it" and then he would walk out. That happened last night and made me realize that we were not only going to lose our mate but our brother as well. "I have told you from the beginning Owen, that I didn't agree with your plan and that I thought you were wrong in your assessment of how our mate will react, but you didn't listen to me or Victor about it, maybe you should go to the place where we worked today, because maybe then you will begin to realize just how wrong you are" I told him, looking him straight in the eye.

He didn't seem to know what to say to me and North looked at him with so much anger that I knew it took a lot for not to pummel Mr B right now. I got up and went to the kitchen to see if someone had made any dinner but there was nothing made or if there was no one left any for me or Victor. Walking back to the living room I made eye contact with him and motioned for him to follow me. We left the main cabin and went into the cabin I shared with Gabriel. "They didn't even leave any food for us, it must mean their really angry at us" I laughed at the ridiculous situation. We went into our kitchen and began making food for just the two of us. When we were done, Gabriel still hasn't come home but I didn't care, I was way to tired to wait for him. After taking a much needed shower, I dropped down on my bed without putting on any clothes. My head had barely hit the cushion and I was out for the count.

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