Arriving Part (One)

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Kenny's pov

The sun was going down when we cleared the woods and came to the castle gates. You would think with this being the twentieth century that our people would live in normal houses, but no although we use the latest technology, we still prefer to live in the old houses our grandparents build. The castle was huge and the walls were extremely high, but it was clear that they were updated over time. The gates were no longer large wooden doors but thick metal doors with reinforcement to make sure no one can enter when they are closed. The walls on the outside were smooth and seemed like you could slide down it easily but you would never be able to get up it.

I was walking in the middle of the four men, when we arrived at the gate, it seemed very intimidating and dark but I guess that was what they were aiming for. The guards bowed their heads at the kings and then knocked three times against it. The doors opened slowly and my patience was wearing thin, I was tired and hungry and completely done with this day. We walked through the gates and the sight before me was stunning, there were small houses left and right, it gave the feeling of being in the part of a completely different era. The road was still made out of cobble stones and fitted the castle and surroundings perfectly, the small houses seemed to be built from stones and gave them a very homey feeling, they truly did look after their people and for some reason that made me proud of them being my mates.

We moved past the houses and came to the marketplace, which was big on its own. It almost looked like a mall you were walking through, the shops were all modern and neat and the variety was vast. All the people stopped what they were doing to stare at us; I hated having any attention on me so I moved next to Axel and Mark, trying to hide behind their big bodies. Leaving Owen and Raven to walk behind me, a growl from the back had everyone going back to their work, I looked back at Raven and gave a single nod in thanks to him, then turned back around. We continued until we came to the castle itself, it was a unbelievably beautiful place with wide big doors and these were wooden with wolf carvings on each one.

Guards were stationed on either side of the doors and did the same thing as the guards at the gates, it only annoyed me further. Well let's see what hides behind these massive doors shall we, my wolf was literally dancing in my head at the smells that came from behind them, stopping a shiver from running down my spine......

Corey's pov

My breath hitched when I caught sight of the woman walking inside with my brothers. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and from the looks of my brothers she was also very, very important to them. My pants became tight as I rewinded the security footage to look her over properly, her clothes was fitting snug to her sexy body. I had to shake myself out of my haze, when I got over the effect she had on me, I jumped up so fast from the chair it fell over, making the guards jump in surprise. But I couldn't care less I needed to get down to the entrance hall and fast.

I ran out of our security room like the devil himself was chasing me and ran down the halls like my life depended on it. I past Gabriel and Luke almost knocking them over, "You need to hurry man they are here" I screamed at them over my shoulder. I could hear curses coming from Gabriel and the two sets of feet running after me. I took the stairs two at a time to try and get down faster, it was a miracle I didn't face plant the dam floor at how fast I was going. I reached the entrance completely out of breath and just in time to see them enter, Alex looked at me like I had grown two heads. Trying to catch my breath, I looked up and into the most beautiful blue green eyes in the world, I gaped at her not caring if I looked like a fish out of water, I knew that Gabe was going to be beyond pissed now, knowing the room he made wasn't even close to right for this gorgeous woman.

An umf came from behind me and when I tore my eyes away from her, I saw Luke and Gabriel sprawled over the floor in a heap on top of each other, that looked like it hurt. I couldn't contain my laughter this time and laughed out loud at the look on the two's faces when they looked up and saw her, to say they were completely and utterly shocked was a understatement. I turned back around to see Owen looking irritated and Axel somewhat amused, but Mark and Raven were full on laughing, the bastards knew exactly how we were going to react to her and that's why they kept it so mysterious. Hmmmm this was going to be very interesting indeed, I couldn't wait to see our other brothers reactions when they finally show up here, after they got over their bloody mood swings that is. Looking at Raven I knew that we would be complete now that we have found our other half, life just couldn't get better than this and if the look on Ravens face is anything to go by then there was a lot that we still didn't know. My excitement only grew at this and I couldn't wait to find out everything they already knew about her because by the looks of it, it was something big.....

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