The Meeting

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Axel's pov

Everyone was standing around quiet in our office, my brothers were openly staring at our mate, some with smiles and excitement, others with scowls and obvious distrust, but she seemed to be not noticing any of it, she was looking out the window deep in thought. I cleared my throat; "Well now that we are all here, let's introduce you to Kenny" She turned to us then and looked at me, her arms crossed over her chest. "You obviously know me, Owen, Mark and Raven" She just nodded at me and waited for me to continue. "I will start from my right". Her expression never changed, I swear this woman can give Owen a run for his money with the stoic no emotion look.

Kenny's pov

When Axel addressed the room I decided to focus on the men around the room. "This is Brandon" The man standing next to him was looking me up and down; with disinterest almost boring look on his face. He had blond hair cut short; he had blue grey eyes that had a haunted cold look to them, yeah buddy I know the feeling, I thought to myself while watching him with the same blank look. He was tall around 6'3, not as tall as Raven but close, his body was very muscular and well defined, the smell of petrol and oil came from him, I could only guess that he liked working on motors or something. "This is Corey, Brandon's twin" The man next to Brandon, looked exactly like him except for his eyes they were more happy than his, but he also seemed to be more of a nerdy type than his brother, but gorgeous none the less, he was smiling at me with a small blush on his cheeks. "This here is Gabriel" He had dark brown hair with bangs hanging both sides of his face, he had them bleached blond. 

He had the bluest eyes that reminded me of the ocean; he wasn't as big build as the other two but was still muscular, he had earrings in his left ear and rings on his fingers. He looked like he was very excited about something, I wondered what had him so worked up. "This is Luke"  He was smiling from ear to ear, he had long blond hair tied at the back in a ponytail, his eyes was full of mischief and was asoft brown colour, obviously he was the one to get in trouble. He was gorgeous,all of them so far were, he seemed like the surfer type with his capri pants and half open shirt. "This is North, Luke's brother" the blond snickered, "Baby brother yes" Luke said between his snickering. His brother smacked him on the back of his head which only made him snicker more. I looked at the hulk of a man standing next to him with a frown forming between my eyes; he didn't look like he was younger than Luke. He was as tall as Raven and just as muscular, his arms were crossed over his chest and he had a scowl on his face while he looked me up and down, dude like I would care if you liked me or not, I scoffed to myself in my head. "This is Silas"Now this man was even bigger than Raven and North, if I hadn't gone through what I had I might have been scared of him, but his eyes were soft, making him seem to be more like a big teddy bear. He might look like a mountain and scary but his eyes said he was everything but scary, I wonder how it would feel to get a hug from him, I needed to get a grip on my thoughts and fast. 

 "This is Kota" He was also not as muscular as the rest but still looked good, he had dark brown hair his eyes was the most greenest I have seen that was hiding behind black rimmed glasses, he seemed to be calculating everything around him, obviously the smart one of the group. "This is Nathan" he also had his arms crossed over his very bulky muscular body; he had red hair and light brown eyes. He was frowning at me when his name was mentioned, Okay so some of them might not like me, Mmmmm too bad, they can go jump in a lake for all I cared. "This is Victor" he was slimmer build than the others he was also not as tall but was still a beautiful man. He had dark brown eyes that seemed to be on fire, he was tapping against his thigh, I wonder if he played any instruments. "And this is Sean Green also he is a Doctor"he was standing next to Owen; he had blond curls and was as tall as Owen. He had green blue eyes that were laughing; he looked like he was always making fun and enjoying life. "That is all of us, and guys this is Kenny our mate" All of them said hi, all the attention was making me nervous, having gone without this much attention for so long was something that didn't bother me much. For me attention meant fighting to preserve myself and keep me save. Not knowing how I was going to do this having so many mates, it wasn't something I ever thought would happen, but I guess I will have to do it one step at a time one day after the other, it was going to take time to learn to trust them all and get used to not being locked up in that place or fighting for my life every day. It wasn't going to be easy and I was going to have to think long and hard on whether I wanted to do this or not, I had no idea how this was going to work or if it was going to work at all, but I suppose only time will tell....

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