Getting back up (part 1)

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Things wasn't going so great with all of us, there was a divide between our groups. My brothers was falling apart and I didn't know how to help them,  they were hurting badly. Pushing my glasses back up my nose I made sure my tie was still on straight and cleared my throat. "I have had enough of this moping around and everyone fighting with each other, we will be having a meeting right now along with the Toma team so we can get this sorted out" I say to everyone with a cold no nonsense voice. Today this will end our family will come together again even if it's the last damn thing I do.


Owen was looking at us all with a hard stare, waiting to see if anyone was going to argue with him. Me I just sighed and was glad that someone decided to take some action to get us all out of this shit hole of a situation we were in. I was overly tired from working the whole time in the hospital, because it was just better than being around any of them for now. I couldn't see  my brothers broken faces without wanting to kill the whole Toma team for hurting us this much. Their selfishness nearly tore our family apart and I am still miffed that they weren't punished harder than they were.


I hung my head in shame for bringing all this turmoil to my family and best friends, if I didn't get scared of sharing such a beautiful strong mate and fucking everything up my team and the blackbourn team wouldn't be hurting this much. I feel like a complete failure as the team leader and as a brother and friend, I honestly didn't know how to fix things. My brothers don't even talk to me or look at me when we are in the same room, hopefully Owen knew how to help us all get back to where we were. Although I know that we would not be able to get back to be completely the same, but even just a little bit would be better than what it is now.


All of us sat together and waited for Owen to start talking and give us fucking shit for how we were behaving. I rubbed my hand over the three earrings in my left ear,  thinking about all the special people I lost over the years. I then played with the newest earing I added to my right ear,  it was also black but had silver waving over each other.  Another reminder of someone special that I lost only this one was worse because she didn't die,  she was somewhere out there all alone while we had all our brothers with us, her room is still there, I didn't allow any one to go near it.


I was getting tired of sitting here and seeing Luke look like someone had killed his puppy. My brother hasn't even touched anything sweet or pulled a prank on any off us since our mate left after rejecting us.  He lost his spunk and energy, all of us have and it was time to get everyone back again.  I looked to Silas and he had the same determined look on his face when he looked back at me. Sitting back in the couch I waited for this shit storm to start and be over with. I was going to tell them that I was leaving to go and find my mate, I didn't care if they were coming with or not or if they were going to be pissed or not. I was done with all this crap and the Toma team better know their place, they are on thin ice as it is. This 


"Now that everyone is here let's all get of our chests what we need to say and we can work from there" I addressed the room as it was obvious no one else was going to speak. Everyone was talking over one another, some screamed at the other, but the three people who I thought was going to scream just sat quietly looking at the others. This made me concerned about them, then Silas got up and did the one thing I have never seen or heard him do. "ENOUGH" he screamed loud in a booming voice making every one instantly quiet. "We have had enough of all of your whining and fighting and never reaching some conclusion or doing anything to right the wrong that was done" he literally screamed at all of us with his hands clenched at his sides. North got up and stood next to him not even making a move to calm the big giant Greek down, but what he said floored me completely. This was not going to be good by the looks on their faces and a shiver of fear ran down my back. 


"We are leaving, we don't want anything to do with this castle anymore, We are done." My brother shocked everyone in the room including me. How could he just come out and say that? How could he just leave me here not even thinking of taking me with him? "We will be taking my brother with us and we really really don't care one fuck who has an issue with it" releasing a huge sigh of relief I got up and stood next to North showing a united front, finally there is a purpose for us and maybe just maybe we could become brothers again, i could feel his anger at the others rolling of of him in waves and let me tell you when North gets this pissed of there isn't any one that can calm him down or stand in his way. Yes he has a short temper but it takes a lot to push him to this point of not coming back, I felt proud of him and Sila's for standing up for us......

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