Soft Silas

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Silas Pov

Silas was standing near the trees watching the surroundings when his eye caught sight of Kenny coming out of her cabin, keeping a keen eye on her, he saw her going into the woods as she always does in the morning. He decided to follow after her to see what she got up to every time she left, following at a safe distance to make sure she doesn't detect him. After a few minutes they came to the waterfall, Kenny went and sat down close to it, looking out at the calming water. Silas came and sat down next to her as close as he possibly could with out invading to much of her space. They sat together like that for a while just taking in the calm surrounding and fresh air, when Kenny started talking to him softly. "Silas?" she whispered as if  she was afraid to disturb the peacefulness around them. "Yes, angel?" he replied just as softly to her, turning his head to look at her and give her his full attention. "Do you think we all could really make this work? and I want a truthful answer please" she replied still softly.

He looked back at the water and took a deep breath then turned his body fully towards her, "Truthfully I do think we could make it work, I am not saying its going to be easy but if we all work at it and love with all our hearts we could truly make it work" he answered her still keeping his voice soft and looking at her with all the love he feels in his heart. She turned to him and looked him in the eye for a few minutes and just gave a nod with her head to show she heard him. Then she looked back at the waterfall and up to the sky. "It seems a storm is coming if the dark clouds is anything to go by" she said standing up and squinting at the clouds. Silas looked up and saw that the clouds was indeed starting to get dark and they needed to get back to the others before it started raining. Kenny turned around and began walking back to the pack grounds when a big hand took her softly and stopped her from leaving, she looked up his arm to his face. "I promise angel, everything will work out as it should, you just need to give us a chance to prove it to you" he told her with a soft smile on his face.

She smiled back at him and they started walking back to the others together still hand in hand........

Kenny's POV   

Just before they reached the pack she let go of his hand and walked back to her cabin to prepare for the storm that was coming, looking behind her she saw him standing just outside of the woods looking down at his hand with the same soft smile he had before. She only chuckled and kept walking until she was inside of her cabin, it didn't take her long before she was fully prepared for the storm and she went to her kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She stood at the kitchen window looking out at the guys to see what they were doing, Gabriel looked like he was having a panic attack when Silas went up to him and put his hand on his shoulder and talking to him calmly. She smiled again and turned back to making her coffee, "That's my soft Silas" she thought to herself with a warm feeling in her heart for the gentle giant who never raised his voice to anyone......

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