Interesting Woman

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Owen's pov

It was obvious from the look on the alpha's face that he didn't want us near the mysterious woman that had me and my brothers weak in the knees and that pissed me off because his mate was sitting on her knees right next to him. I was confused as to why he was acting as if he and she was an item, my wolf growled at the thought of his mate with another man. Axel turned to her and asked her, her name, in which she only replied it was not important right now and there were bigger things to concentrate on. Raising my left eyebrow I looked her over from head to toe, she had blood covering her but it didn't look like it was her blood, a small smear of blood was on her cheek and I was afraid she might have been hurt somewhere, it wouldn't be good for the alpha if our mate was hurt in any way. "Why is she covered in blood Mark?" I asked my brother through the mind link. He smiled wide at me and the proud look on his face made me even more curious, "She killed ten warriors on her own Owen, can you believe that, you should have seen it. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, so you can imagine how Raven reacted while it happened"  he chuckled quietly under his breath.

 My head whipped back to her seeing her glower at the alpha with murder in her eyes. The mind link was open between me and my brothers and Axel had the same shock on his face as I did. "Why in the hell did she kill all those warriors?" Axel asked him with gritted teeth and his fists clenched. Our mate was watching him with her head held at an angle, clearly confused with his sudden mood chance; he just glared back at her. Huffing she crossed her arms and looked away from us; I nudged Axel to get his attention and showed him to stop glaring and look at her. He cleared his throat again"Miss... Ummm, is something wrong?" he asked her with a frown on his face worried now that he might have pissed her off. Chuckling to myself at how impulsive he can act sometimes and it never worked out well for him in the end.

 She looked back at him with the same blank expression as before, "Didn't your mother teach you that it's rude to have a conversation about someone behind their backs?" She asked him with a cold tone to her voice then clenched her jaw hard. Raven burst out laughing hard and Mark coughed behind his hand to try and conceal his laughter. I couldn't believe how feisty our mate was "Yes miss, your right it was rude of us to do so, then maybe you can answer the question Axel asked our brothers for us" I answered her my mouth twitched at the corner while I tried to suppress my smile. "Maybe if you ask the question out loud I would be able to answer it" she snarled looking me straight in the eye. My wolf turned over in my head with his tongue hanging out purring at getting her attention. Stupid wolf normally he would growl at any one that showed disrespect by looking straight into our eyes, but when our mate does it he goes belly up for Pete's sake. Shaking my head at my wolf's antic's I waited with bated breath for Axel to ask her the question.

 "Why did you kill those warriors in the dungeon?" Axel literally growls at her. She tilted her head to the side again when her gaze went back to him and my wolf whimpered at the loss, I had to contain myself from not rolling my eyes at him, he was such a attention seeker. She took a step forward towards Axel standing almost right in front of him, with her arms by her side not showing an inch of fear for the king standing in front of her. She was a tall woman about 5'9 but Axel still towered over her with a few inches. It didn't seem to face her at all, "Mmmmm, maybe if the arrogant piece of shit didn't send them into my cell to restrain me, so that he could rape me, they would still be alive" she answered him through gritted teeth. My blood boiled at what she said and from the look on my three brother's faces they were just as pissed off as I was. This alpha was begging to be ripped apart, I couldn't be angry at her for defending herself, but I felt anger towards us because we weren't here to keep her save. 

Axel rushed over to the alpha gripping him by the neck; I expected Raven to act like that but not Axel, he was usually calm and collected like me, well most of the time not always. Raven and Mark though stepped next to the mysterious woman watching Axel growl at the alpha with their arms crossed over their chests. It took the alpha's choking sounds to rip me out of my daze and I went and removed my very angry brother's hand from around his throat. "Why don't we try and talk about this first before we kill him shall we" I asked him while pushing him back slowly seeing as he was struggling to hold control over his wolf, I wasn't faring any better at controlling my wolf but I knew we wouldn't get the answers we were looking for if we killed him right now. When he had collected himself again, I walked over to the woman and asked her to please give us her name. I couldn't call her mysterious woman the whole time we were going to talk, and it seemed we had a hell of a lot to talk about, she would be the perfect person to in form us of what was going on here....... 

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