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OK..... But this will not be easy, you will be tested and you will go through trials I will give you to see if you are fit to be my mates, and if you pass we can look at how we would go about the laws that the moon goddess set out about multiple mates" Luke was smiling from ear to ear, North had a determined look on his face along with Silas, Gabriel was smiling just as big, but there were some fear in his eyes. Oh hell, this was going to be so much fun.....

Gabriel's pov

We only got to sleep in our mates hut for one night, the next morning she fucking threw us out and told us to build our own places, she wasn't going to share the place he had build by herself with us, we needed to work for our own spaces. Now we knew it wasn't going to be easy, but fuck it not being close to her is fucking hell, my wolf has been wining the whole fucking time about it. Last night sleeping under the same roof as her felt amazing, my wolf was peaceful for the first time in a long time, just being able to smell her sweet cent calmed my wolf down. Now my wolf 'Zander' is pissed off and driving me fucking nuts, he needs to calm the fuck down so we can get our place build before night comes or we will be sleeping under the stars and he has to remember that she was testing us and we couldn't fuck this up a second time....

Luke's pov
I sat day dreaming about last night sleeping just down the hall from our mate felt like heaven, it was the best sleep I have had in a long time. Although to be able to sleep next to her and hold her close would have been so so much better. *Sigh* I know it's not going to be sunshine and rainbows from the start and it's going to take hard work from all of us to get to that point, but I have hope and I just know when we do become closer, it will be magical. I worked on autopilot to help my brothers build our home with them chastising me every now and then for day dreaming but just the thought of being able to sleep next to her made my heart leap with anticipation and hope........

Silas's pov

I love building things, especially when I get to work with wood, it should be fun for me to be building this house, but it wasn't. We would rather be staying with our mate, but she made it clear this morning that we needed to start slow and living together wasn't taking it slow. I get where she is coming from, she wants us to get to know each other first and not work from the same old ways of using the mate bond. She wants to see if we will fall in love with each other normally. I could do that and I will do it, I will do anything for her, my wolf agreed with me wholeheartedly, now my brothers only had to get on the same page and stop sulking over this....

North's pov

This fucking sucks, since early this morning we are busy building a fucking house for us to live in. I know why she is doing this but it doesn't mean I have to like it. We are already half way done by lunch and we only sat down to eat some sandwiches that she made for us. When we saw her running out to the woods, getting up to follow her Silas put his hand on my arm to stop me. "Don't brother if she needs our help she will ask for it" he said. Fuck I know he is right but dammit I worry about her getting hurt out there alone, we don't know this area at all or the amount of rogues that could be out there and if anything happened to her I would lose my fucking mind.....

Kenny's pov

They were reluctant to go out and build a house for them but they did it without arguing or giving me any grief about it. I spend most of the day just watching them work on their home, and I have to say the view is mouth watering. All four of them are really well build, my wolf 'Sirena' was panting the whole time making me overly hot and bothered. I came out to see them sit down to eat when I caught a awful smell coming from the left of the forest, that smell only meant one thing. Running in the direction of the smell I shifted when I was just beyond the trees, the further I ran the worse the smell got and my anger rose with every hit of my paws on the ground. Coming to a complete stop just by the clearing of the water falls, there were at least twenty rogue's coming my way, they didn't notice me there and I was wondering if they even knew they were on someone else's territory. Shit this is going to hurt when it's over, but luckily I was used to pain, when I was at that hell hole for that year, I couldn't understand how it was that my pain level was so high, but coming back here and gaining my memories back I completely understood it and in away I was grateful for what I had gone through because it made me a lot stronger than I would of been if my own pack hadn't tortured me my whole life. At least now i am prepared for the fight that was about to come because these rouges meant harm, they weren't coming in peace. The excitement in me grew as I thought about the fun I was going to have to show these rouges not to cross onto my territory again..

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