Cursing Gabriel

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Gabriel's POV

Well Fuck, now what are we going to Fucking do? Luke just told Mr B off for being a fucking idiot. I have never seen anyone shutting Mr B fucking up like he just did, mmmm seems Luke is at the same fucking point as a lot of us are. Mother fucker always thinks that what he says is law, but these last almost year, everything he decided was fucking shit. They were to fucking busy glary at our two brothers that they didn't even see the fucking look on our mates face when they returned earlier. I feel like we are loosing her and that is not fucking sitting well with me, if we fucking lose her because he was acting like a fucking moron then me along with most of our fucking brothers are going to fucking hate him. Shaking my head I looked over at Owen just standing there with the permanent blank look on his fucking face. Just once I would fucking love to see that indifferent fucking mask of his fall, to be able to fucking see what the fuck he is thinking.

The rest of the guys are all quiet too, fucking North looks like he is going to fucking blow any minute now and I am only going fucking sit back and fucking watch him kill Mr fucking stick up his ass. 5..4..3..2..1.... "You said that this were going to work" North growled at him with his fist clenched so fucking tight his knuckles are white. "We fucking followed you for all these fucking years because we believed in you" he was slowly standing up, the anger vibrating through his body. "But when it comes to our fucking mate, you have fucked us over big fucking time" he was screaming at this fucking point.

Axel cleared his throat when it looked like North was going to storm Mr B. Great fucking timing Axel, " You can't blame everything on Mr Blackbourn, we had a hand in fucking things up as well" he said to North with his head hang. Now see this just fucking pisses me of even fucking more, "Are you fucking serious right now?" I asked Axel through gritted teeth. He lifted his head and looked at me with confusion all over his face, "Yes, you guys Fucked up in the fucking beginning, but you aren't the fucking ones that keep fucking up now, and why in the fuck have YOU taken a seat back from being the fucking leader of your fucking group?" I was screaming at this point.

Everyone was looking at me with big wide eyes, pfffttt like I fucking care at this point what they fucking thought. If Luke could stand up against these fuckers then so can I, crossing arms over my chest I looked at Mr B. "You even fucking decided not to put away some fucking food for them because you wanted to fucking punish them for disobeying your so called fucking law, That is what I called fucking abuse of your fucking power" I growled at him bringing my hands down by my sides and fisting them. I took a step closer to him and saw the look of shock in his eyes when he realized what I said was true. "I am sooo fucking tired of all this fucking bullshit, we are not apart of the fucking royal palace anymore, so I don't have to fucking listen to any of you giving orders ever the fuck again" I seethed out and stormed outside to try and cool down my wolf who was very fucking close to taking over. Deciding to just let him out, I shifted and ran into the woods enjoying the freedom my wolf form gave me.

After running for hours I went back and shifted into my human form again, I did feel somewhat better but my fucking frustration at all of them still hasn't simmered down by much. Entering our cabin I realized that Luke and Victor must be asleep if the quiet around me is anything to go by, following their example I went and took a long warm shower and then dropped down into bed. Before falling asleep I made the decision to start following Luke and Victor in what to do when it came to our mate instead of the fucking asholes next door. With a smile on my face I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of the day our mate accepts us fully.....

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