Releasing Her Wolf

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Mark's pov

She started shaking uncontrollably when she realized that she was taken for a fool by the alpha and for the fact that he was able to get her to believe him, I couldn't understand how she didn't know the truth. Me and the rest of my brothers took a few steps back feeling the immense amount of power flowing from her, It was unbelievable that this beautiful woman had more power in her small frame than any of us combined. All of us were shocked into a stupor and as a result we didn't react fast enough to stop her when she stormed the alpha ripping him of the ground with one hand, he was standing on his tiptoes to ensure that he didn't get strangled. "You killed my whole pack, Woman and children included, took me from my home, tortured me for a year and tried to rape me at least once a month all for your own selfish needs, then you let me think that if I retaliated and ripped you apart I would become a rouge" She gritted between her teeth, seething with anger.

Axel took a step forward probably thinking of stopping her from really killing the alpha this time, She snapped her head to him and growled menacing at him making him put his hands up in surrender and stepping back. I chuckled at him, "Oh dear Axel do you really think anyone of us would be able to stop what is going to happen next" I shook my head at him in disbelief, there was no way that we were going to be able to go against her power. He shrugged his shoulders and sighed softly, "Well I suppose not, she does deserve her revenge and his death is only coming sooner rather than later", he said as if it was a daily occurence. Looking at him with amusement on my face I nodded my head at him once, It shocked us even more when she dropped him and took a step back, "Un cuff him please" she asked softly but the anger was still in her voice and vibrating through the air. Owen and Axel froze only for a minute then Owen stepped forward and released him from his binds, he leaned in close to his ear and whispered something to the alpha that made his face go pale. It then hit me that she didn't want to rip him apart while he wasn't able to defend himself; she wanted it to be a fair fight, not that he gave her the option for a fair fight when he took her a year ago.

"Now my dear brothers you would see what me and Mark saw in the dungeon and it's going to be absolutely perfect" Raven gushed next to me with a huge grin on his face, loving every single minute of what was happening. I could only smile and agree with him on that one, especially after feeling the power coming of her just a few minutes before. The alpha tried to look sure of himself but his eyes kept darting between us and her and the fear was evident in his eyes. She slapped him across the cheek hard gaining his attention, now everyone knows that if you slap an alpha his wolf will automatically react to the disrespect it was shone, and that was exactly what she wanted to happen, she was  smart in provoking him into attacking her first. As soon as he stormed her she shifted into her wolf, to say her wolf was just as gorgeous as her was an understatement. She was a pure midnight black wolf which was a really rare wolf, only one existed in all the time of our existence and no one had any idea of its powers or abilities. It seemed that this woman was giving us the one shock after another, the gasps of the other people around us and the alpha stopping in his tracks made it obvious that they didn't know what they had and who they wronged. That made me chuckle again and get a confused look from my brothers, I only shook my head letting them know I will tell them later.

She ran towards him making him shift at once and try to block her attack but it was no use. She was too fast and too strong for him to be able to fight back. It was over in minutes his blood dripped down her mouth and she was covered in it over her head, shoulders and front paws. His mate was screaming from feeling him dying, Kenny shifted back and stomped over to her slapping her hard bringing her screaming to a complete stop. She was still fuming and her anger could be felt for miles I was sure, "You sat in that pack house pretending to be this packs Luna, turning a blind eye every time your mate and his beta took a young girl from their home and raped her, you have no right to mourn a monster like him" She turned her angry gaze at the rest of the pack. "You all did nothing when your alpha harmed your daughters and the warriors of this pack and it's guards thought it to be a joke whenever those two men did the despicable things they did" turning towards us and walking over with determination in her eyes. "This pack doesn't deserve an alpha, they deserve to become rouge's, all of them" then she turned back around at them and with a loud and clear voice, "I alpha Kenny McKenzie from the white moon pack, reject this pack and its members declaring you all rouge" then she walked back to the dungeon, her hair covered her naked body making me wish she had short hair instead of such long hair, it was only minutes before she came back fully dressed, well fuck that sucks, I sighed to myself, I was hoping to get at least a glimpse of her beautiful body .....

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