Pain & Anger

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Owen's pov

The excruciating pain ripping through me was almost unbearable, I never wanted to experience it again, losing your soulmate, your other half was like dying a very slow painful death from the inside out. It lasted about fifteen minutes before I could think or straighten up again, the ache was still there but I couldn't lay down and wallow in it, my brothers needed me to be strong for them. Getting of the floor I dusted myself of and sprung into action, shouting orders at the guards to try and find out were our mate was, hoping that we weren't to late in fixing this mess, but first I needed to find out what was behind her rejecting us. Looking around the room I saw the devastation my brothers was feeling their faces contorted in absolute pain. Clenching my jaw tight and trying to get my anger and shaking under control I cleared my throat to get all of their attention. 

"Can someone please tell me why our gorgeous mate just rejected all of us" I asked with a cold tone in my voice, looking around the room. My brothers on my side of the room looked just as angry and confused as me. Except Sean, who I have never seen this furious in all the time I have known him, he has always been the calm one of us keeping every one cool and collected, the one to make sure our tempers didn't go overboard. Through gritted teeth while looking over at the Toma's he answered with: "Why don't you asked those sons of bitches over there, who was busy fucking another she wolf when I went to tell them about the fucking meeting" he was barely holding on to his wolf, his eyes kept shifting from his colour to his wolf's colour and that was a bad sign. I turned to them and saw the guilty look on all their faces, at which my wolf almost took over control himself. A humongous roar that shook the castle ripped up from behind me and I almost didn't stop North in time from ripping them to pieces, they truly made a huge mistake in hurting our mate like that. Silas came and took hold of North to help calm him down, Luke and Nathan had to help in keeping North at bay, that was something that was not an easy task at all. Turning back around to them I folded my arms across my chest and waited for them to explain their poor behavior this last month. Axel looked to the ground with a painful expression, "I got scared especially after realizing how powerful our mate truly was, I didn't like the idea of someone stronger than me sitting at the throne next to all of us. So I ordered my team to reject her physically but not out loud, I figured if we hurt her just a little it would make her be more inclined to submit to us fully, I never thought for a moment she would end up rejecting all of us completely" he finished his explanation with a whispered voice. The idiocy of his plan was mind boggling and I couldn't believe that he would hurt his own brothers like this.

This time it was Sean who lost control completely and shifted into his wolf, I left the office then, it was time they learned not to mess with me and my brothers and Sean would make sure to give them the right amount of punishment, they might be a bit older than us but they weren't stronger and today they would finally see Sean in a different light and would know to never fuck with him again. I went to our head guard for the information on my mate, "I am sorry sir but it seems she left our lands a little while ago, there is no trace of where she went" he informed me with his head down. "But we will search all over if we have to to find our queen and bring her back" He pulled himself straight and had a determined look in his eyes and on his face. "Contact our best trackers and send them out to try and find her and they will only report back to me, do you understand?" I ordered him with a cold and calculating look. He nodded his yes in the affirmative and went of to do as I told him. When I went back to the office there was a little blood on the carpet but the Toma team was not there. "Where are they? " I asked Sean who was sitting calmly in his chair looking out the window. "Their locked up in the cells for now until they can grow up" he answered while still looking out the window. "Now what Owen? How are we going to get our mate back? " Kota asked in a soft pain filled voice, counting under his breath as he waited for me to answer. "Now we all have a decision to make and afterwards we will see what we will do about our mate" I told him in my most controlled voice and stoic face although inside I wanted to kill the five men who brought this much pain to my family. Pinching the bridge of my nose I could feel a headache coming on, I could only hope that this won't tore my family apart, because if it does the Toma team will have to run far, because I will personally rip them up. Sighing I walked over to my desk to continuing the work I was doing before everything went to shit, there wasn't much I could do right now about it all. Only time will bring us the silution we will need to fix this, the pain and betrayal are still to fresh to sort it now, it will only hurt them more and I wasn't going to let my brother's be hurt mor than they already are...

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