yea im crying
because im gonna miss making updates for this book
tons of people seem to have lost interest, but thats ok
for the few that stay, ill keep updating for you until its finished :)
this chapter is going to be vERY long so i can wrap this book up quickly. you dont have to read it all, but you might miss important details.
im also going to go back and edit everything to make it less cringy so---
enjoy the last three chapters of this book
(also, there will be some errors, sorry)
"who knows what he'll do to you if he discovers this? hm... we could always find out ourselves!"
"you should focus on yourself, bitch." a low, irritated voice growled behind her.
the same coldness amelia felt through the hallway now reached the small room she found herself cornered in, the frosty air that engulfed the walls pinching her skin. ice crawled up each of the strange chambers in quick, sharp chunks, [bernadette] guiding amelia away from some the stray frozen bits.
a short, though very intimidating figure stood in the doorway right behind beetle, lips tugged into a snarl as their leg was lifted into the air and slammed onto her shoulder, a blade on the base of their foot slicing off her arm. "you better keep away from my kids."
devan remained passed out in hearts arms, somewhat shaking from the cold air around him, while amelia found that your body could withstand such freezing temperatures easily. ghiaccio caught her eye instantly after she attempted, and failed, to rid the gruesome sight of beetle bleeding out completely from her memory.
"mister ghia! what are you doing here!" she chirped with surprise, running over to him to engulf the very much shorter assassin in a large hug.
"im going to assume you arent really (y/n), and that youre actually little amelia.." he choked, struggling in her tight grasp.
"awww, how did you know!"
"well, she'd never call me 'mister ghia', for starters."
amelia peeled away from ghiaccio, melting back down to her original size and allowing her father-figure watch with horror as your face broke apart and ran down either side of her face in clusters of clay. "you caught me! so, how did you manage to get here?"
ghiaccio picked up the small girl into his arms, goosebumps appearing on her skin from his freezing touch. "illuso's helping each of us by pulling them through mirrors. based on the way he was acting, im starting to think hes the most upset out of everyone."
"what do you mean?"
"he was walking back and forth outside, screaming at risotto, punched a tree until his fingers bled, and even almost set one of the guards in front of the manor on fire." ghiaccio mumbled, leading heart outside the room after stepping over beetles corpse. "he's super pissed."
heart scanned the hallways, humming with delight when he found no one around. "i can imagine. he wouldn't shut up about her in the woods, forcing me to knock him out so i could think in peace."
"really? whatd he say?"
"literally the most basic, straight white boy shit you can think of, sir."
"yeah, that sounds like illuso to me..."
ghiaccio, already aware of the ally ship between the robot and yourself, wasnt too bothered with the fact that he had to side with him. after all, if anything were to happen to devan while he was in hearts possession, he knew for a fact you'd beat his ass senseless.

Above you and below you (la squadra x fem!reader)
Fanfictionfirst, you get assigned to a hitmen team, then get stalked, and now you're being held hostage against your will with your own child being used against you. how did you, practically the strognest in passione, get in this position? well, here's the s...